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- /* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
- *
- * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
- * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
- * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
- */
- /*
- * ops.c: implementation of various operators: op_shift, op_delete, op_tilde,
- * op_change, op_yank, do_put, do_join
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- /*
- * Number of registers.
- * 0 = unnamed register, for normal yanks and puts
- * 1..9 = registers '1' to '9', for deletes
- * 10..35 = registers 'a' to 'z'
- * 36 = delete register '-'
- * 37 = Selection register '*'. Only if FEAT_CLIPBOARD defined
- * 38 = Clipboard register '+'. Only if FEAT_CLIPBOARD and FEAT_X11 defined
- */
- /*
- * Symbolic names for some registers.
- */
- # define STAR_REGISTER 37
- # ifdef FEAT_X11
- # define PLUS_REGISTER 38
- # else
- # define PLUS_REGISTER STAR_REGISTER /* there is only one */
- # endif
- #endif
- #else
- # define NUM_REGISTERS 37
- #endif
- /*
- * Each yank register is an array of pointers to lines.
- */
- static struct yankreg
- {
- char_u **y_array; /* pointer to array of line pointers */
- linenr_T y_size; /* number of lines in y_array */
- char_u y_type; /* MLINE, MCHAR or MBLOCK */
- colnr_T y_width; /* only set if y_type == MBLOCK */
- } y_regs[NUM_REGISTERS];
- static struct yankreg *y_current; /* ptr to current yankreg */
- static int y_append; /* TRUE when appending */
- static struct yankreg *y_previous = NULL; /* ptr to last written yankreg */
- /*
- * structure used by block_prep, op_delete and op_yank for blockwise operators
- * also op_change, op_shift, op_insert, op_replace - AKelly
- */
- struct block_def
- {
- int startspaces; /* 'extra' cols of first char */
- int endspaces; /* 'extra' cols of first char */
- int textlen; /* chars in block */
- char_u *textstart; /* pointer to 1st char in block */
- colnr_T textcol; /* cols of chars (at least part.) in block */
- colnr_T start_vcol; /* start col of 1st char wholly inside block */
- colnr_T end_vcol; /* start col of 1st char wholly after block */
- int is_short; /* TRUE if line is too short to fit in block */
- int is_MAX; /* TRUE if curswant==MAXCOL when starting */
- int is_oneChar; /* TRUE if block within one character */
- int pre_whitesp; /* screen cols of ws before block */
- int pre_whitesp_c; /* chars of ws before block */
- colnr_T end_char_vcols; /* number of vcols of post-block char */
- #endif
- colnr_T start_char_vcols; /* number of vcols of pre-block char */
- };
- static void shift_block __ARGS((oparg_T *oap, int amount));
- static void block_insert __ARGS((oparg_T *oap, char_u *s, int b_insert, struct block_def*bdp));
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- static char_u *get_expr_line __ARGS((void));
- #endif
- static void get_yank_register __ARGS((int regname, int writing));
- static int stuff_yank __ARGS((int, char_u *));
- static int put_in_typebuf __ARGS((char_u *s, int colon));
- static void stuffescaped __ARGS((char_u *arg, int literally));
- static int get_spec_reg __ARGS((int regname, char_u **argp, int *allocated, int errmsg));
- static void cmdline_paste_str __ARGS((char_u *s, int literally));
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- static void mb_adjust_opend __ARGS((oparg_T *oap));
- #endif
- static void free_yank __ARGS((long));
- static void free_yank_all __ARGS((void));
- static void copy_yank_reg __ARGS((struct yankreg *reg));
- #endif
- static void block_prep __ARGS((oparg_T *oap, struct block_def *, linenr_T, int));
- #if defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
- static void str_to_reg __ARGS((struct yankreg *y_ptr, int type, char_u *str, long len));
- #endif
- static int same_leader __ARGS((int, char_u *, int, char_u *));
- static int fmt_check_par __ARGS((linenr_T, int *, char_u **, int do_comments));
- #else
- static int fmt_check_par __ARGS((linenr_T));
- #endif
- /*
- * The names of operators.
- * IMPORTANT: Index must correspond with defines in vim.h!!!
- * The third field indicates whether the operator always works on lines.
- */
- static char opchars[][3] =
- {
- {NUL, NUL, FALSE}, /* OP_NOP */
- {'d', NUL, FALSE}, /* OP_DELETE */
- {'y', NUL, FALSE}, /* OP_YANK */
- {'c', NUL, FALSE}, /* OP_CHANGE */
- {'<', NUL, TRUE}, /* OP_LSHIFT */
- {'>', NUL, TRUE}, /* OP_RSHIFT */
- {'!', NUL, TRUE}, /* OP_FILTER */
- {'g', '~', FALSE}, /* OP_TILDE */
- {'=', NUL, TRUE}, /* OP_INDENT */
- {'g', 'q', TRUE}, /* OP_FORMAT */
- {':', NUL, TRUE}, /* OP_COLON */
- {'g', 'U', FALSE}, /* OP_UPPER */
- {'g', 'u', FALSE}, /* OP_LOWER */
- {'J', NUL, TRUE}, /* DO_JOIN */
- {'g', 'J', TRUE}, /* DO_JOIN_NS */
- {'g', '?', FALSE}, /* OP_ROT13 */
- {'r', NUL, FALSE}, /* OP_REPLACE */
- {'I', NUL, FALSE}, /* OP_INSERT */
- {'A', NUL, FALSE}, /* OP_APPEND */
- {'z', 'f', TRUE}, /* OP_FOLD */
- {'z', 'o', TRUE}, /* OP_FOLDOPEN */
- {'z', 'O', TRUE}, /* OP_FOLDOPENREC */
- {'z', 'c', TRUE}, /* OP_FOLDCLOSE */
- {'z', 'C', TRUE}, /* OP_FOLDCLOSEREC */
- {'z', 'd', TRUE}, /* OP_FOLDDEL */
- {'z', 'D', TRUE}, /* OP_FOLDDELREC */
- };
- /*
- * Translate a command name into an operator type.
- * Must only be called with a valid operator name!
- */
- int
- get_op_type(char1, char2)
- int char1;
- int char2;
- {
- int i;
- if (char1 == 'r') /* ignore second character */
- return OP_REPLACE;
- if (char1 == '~') /* when tilde is an operator */
- return OP_TILDE;
- for (i = 0; ; ++i)
- if (opchars[i][0] == char1 && opchars[i][1] == char2)
- break;
- return i;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_VISUAL) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Return TRUE if operator "op" always works on whole lines.
- */
- int
- op_on_lines(op)
- int op;
- {
- return opchars[op][2];
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Get first operator command character.
- * Returns 'g' or 'z' if there is another command character.
- */
- int
- get_op_char(optype)
- int optype;
- {
- return opchars[optype][0];
- }
- /*
- * Get second operator command character.
- */
- int
- get_extra_op_char(optype)
- int optype;
- {
- return opchars[optype][1];
- }
- /*
- * op_shift - handle a shift operation
- */
- void
- op_shift(oap, curs_top, amount)
- oparg_T *oap;
- int curs_top;
- int amount;
- {
- long i;
- int first_char;
- int block_col = 0;
- char_u *s;
- if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
- (linenr_T)(oap->end.lnum + 1)) == FAIL)
- return;
- if (oap->block_mode)
- block_col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
- for (i = oap->line_count; --i >= 0; )
- {
- first_char = *ml_get_curline();
- if (first_char == NUL) /* empty line */
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
- else if (oap->block_mode)
- shift_block(oap, amount);
- #endif
- else
- /* Move the line right if it doesn't start with '#', 'smartindent'
- * isn't set or 'cindent' isn't set or '#' isn't in 'cino'. */
- #if defined(FEAT_SMARTINDENT) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT)
- if (first_char != '#' || !preprocs_left())
- #endif
- {
- shift_line(oap->op_type == OP_LSHIFT, p_sr, amount);
- }
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- }
- changed_lines(oap->start.lnum, 0, oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
- if (oap->block_mode)
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = oap->start.lnum;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = block_col;
- }
- else if (curs_top) /* put cursor on first line, for ">>" */
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = oap->start.lnum;
- beginline(BL_SOL | BL_FIX); /* shift_line() may have set cursor.col */
- }
- else
- --curwin->w_cursor.lnum; /* put cursor on last line, for ":>" */
- if (oap->line_count > p_report)
- {
- if (oap->op_type == OP_RSHIFT)
- s = (char_u *)">";
- else
- s = (char_u *)"<";
- if (oap->line_count == 1)
- {
- if (amount == 1)
- sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("1 line %sed 1 time"), s);
- else
- sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("1 line %sed %d times"), s, amount);
- }
- else
- {
- if (amount == 1)
- sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("%ld lines %sed 1 time"),
- oap->line_count, s);
- else
- sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("%ld lines %sed %d times"),
- oap->line_count, s, amount);
- }
- msg(IObuff);
- }
- /*
- * Set "'[" and "']" marks.
- */
- curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
- curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = oap->end.lnum;
- curbuf->b_op_end.col = (colnr_T)STRLEN(ml_get(oap->end.lnum));
- if (curbuf->b_op_end.col > 0)
- --curbuf->b_op_end.col;
- }
- /*
- * shift the current line one shiftwidth left (if left != 0) or right
- * leaves cursor on first blank in the line
- */
- void
- shift_line(left, round, amount)
- int left;
- int round;
- int amount;
- {
- int count;
- int i, j;
- int p_sw = (int)curbuf->b_p_sw;
- count = get_indent(); /* get current indent */
- if (round) /* round off indent */
- {
- i = count / p_sw; /* number of p_sw rounded down */
- j = count % p_sw; /* extra spaces */
- if (j && left) /* first remove extra spaces */
- --amount;
- if (left)
- {
- i -= amount;
- if (i < 0)
- i = 0;
- }
- else
- i += amount;
- count = i * p_sw;
- }
- else /* original vi indent */
- {
- if (left)
- {
- count -= p_sw * amount;
- if (count < 0)
- count = 0;
- }
- else
- count += p_sw * amount;
- }
- /* Set new indent */
- if (State & VREPLACE_FLAG)
- change_indent(INDENT_SET, count, FALSE, NUL);
- else
- #endif
- (void)set_indent(count, SIN_CHANGED);
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_VISUALEXTRA) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Shift one line of the current block one shiftwidth right or left.
- * Leaves cursor on first character in block.
- */
- static void
- shift_block(oap, amount)
- oparg_T *oap;
- int amount;
- {
- int left = (oap->op_type == OP_LSHIFT);
- int oldstate = State;
- int total, split;
- char_u *newp, *oldp, *midp, *ptr;
- int oldcol = curwin->w_cursor.col;
- int p_sw = (int)curbuf->b_p_sw;
- int p_ts = (int)curbuf->b_p_ts;
- struct block_def bd;
- int internal = 0;
- int incr;
- colnr_T vcol, col = 0, ws_vcol;
- int i = 0, j = 0;
- int len;
- int old_p_ri = p_ri;
- p_ri = 0; /* don't want revins in ident */
- #endif
- State = INSERT; /* don't want REPLACE for State */
- block_prep(oap, &bd, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, TRUE);
- if (bd.is_short)
- return;
- /* total is number of screen columns to be inserted/removed */
- total = amount * p_sw;
- oldp = ml_get_curline();
- if (!left)
- {
- /*
- * 1. Get start vcol
- * 2. Total ws vcols
- * 3. Divvy into TABs & spp
- * 4. Construct new string
- */
- total += bd.pre_whitesp; /* all virtual WS upto & incl a split TAB */
- ws_vcol = bd.start_vcol - bd.pre_whitesp;
- if (bd.startspaces)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- bd.textstart += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(bd.textstart);
- #endif
- ++bd.textstart;
- }
- for ( ; vim_iswhite(*bd.textstart); )
- {
- incr = lbr_chartabsize_adv(&bd.textstart, (colnr_T)(bd.start_vcol));
- total += incr;
- bd.start_vcol += incr;
- }
- /* OK, now total=all the VWS reqd, and textstart points at the 1st
- * non-ws char in the block. */
- if (!curbuf->b_p_et)
- i = ((ws_vcol % p_ts) + total) / p_ts; /* number of tabs */
- if (i)
- j = ((ws_vcol % p_ts) + total) % p_ts; /* number of spp */
- else
- j = total;
- /* if we're splitting a TAB, allow for it */
- bd.textcol -= bd.pre_whitesp_c - (bd.startspaces != 0);
- len = (int)STRLEN(bd.textstart) + 1;
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)(bd.textcol + i + j + len));
- if (newp == NULL)
- return;
- vim_memset(newp, NUL, (size_t)(bd.textcol + i + j + len));
- mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)bd.textcol);
- copy_chars(newp + bd.textcol, (size_t)i, TAB);
- copy_spaces(newp + bd.textcol + i, (size_t)j);
- /* the end */
- mch_memmove(newp + bd.textcol + i + j, bd.textstart, (size_t)len);
- }
- else /* left */
- {
- vcol = oap->start_vcol;
- /* walk vcol past ws to be removed */
- for (midp = oldp + bd.textcol;
- vcol < (oap->start_vcol + total) && vim_iswhite(*midp); )
- {
- incr = lbr_chartabsize_adv(&midp, (colnr_T)vcol);
- vcol += incr;
- }
- /* internal is the block-internal ws replacing a split TAB */
- if (vcol > (oap->start_vcol + total))
- {
- /* we have to split the TAB *(midp-1) */
- internal = vcol - (oap->start_vcol + total);
- }
- /* if 'expandtab' is not set, use TABs */
- split = bd.startspaces + internal;
- if (split > 0)
- {
- if (!curbuf->b_p_et)
- {
- for (ptr = oldp, col = 0; ptr < oldp+bd.textcol; )
- col += lbr_chartabsize_adv(&ptr, (colnr_T)col);
- /* col+1 now equals the start col of the first char of the
- * block (may be < oap.start_vcol if we're splitting a TAB) */
- i = ((col % p_ts) + split) / p_ts; /* number of tabs */
- }
- if (i)
- j = ((col % p_ts) + split) % p_ts; /* number of spp */
- else
- j = split;
- }
- newp = alloc_check(bd.textcol + i + j + (unsigned)STRLEN(midp) + 1);
- if (newp == NULL)
- return;
- vim_memset(newp, NUL, (size_t)(bd.textcol + i + j + STRLEN(midp) + 1));
- /* copy first part we want to keep */
- mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)bd.textcol);
- /* Now copy any TABS and spp to ensure correct alignment! */
- while (vim_iswhite(*midp))
- {
- if (*midp == TAB)
- i++;
- else /*space */
- j++;
- midp++;
- }
- /* We might have an extra TAB worth of spp now! */
- if (j / p_ts && !curbuf->b_p_et)
- {
- i++;
- j -= p_ts;
- }
- copy_chars(newp + bd.textcol, (size_t)i, TAB);
- copy_spaces(newp + bd.textcol + i, (size_t)j);
- /* the end */
- mch_memmove(newp + STRLEN(newp), midp, (size_t)STRLEN(midp) + 1);
- }
- /* replace the line */
- ml_replace(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, newp, FALSE);
- changed_bytes(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, (colnr_T)bd.textcol);
- State = oldstate;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = oldcol;
- p_ri = old_p_ri;
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Insert string "s" (b_insert ? before : after) block :AKelly
- */
- static void
- block_insert(oap, s, b_insert, bdp)
- oparg_T *oap;
- char_u *s;
- int b_insert;
- struct block_def *bdp;
- {
- int p_ts;
- int count = 0; /* extra spaces to replace a cut TAB */
- int spaces = 0; /* non-zero if cutting a TAB */
- colnr_T offset; /* pointer along new line */
- unsigned s_len; /* STRLEN(s) */
- char_u *newp, *oldp; /* new, old lines */
- linenr_T lnum; /* loop var */
- int oldstate = State;
- State = INSERT; /* don't want REPLACE for State */
- s_len = (unsigned)STRLEN(s);
- for (lnum = oap->start.lnum + 1; lnum <= oap->end.lnum; lnum++)
- {
- block_prep(oap, bdp, lnum, TRUE);
- if (bdp->is_short && b_insert)
- continue; /* OP_INSERT, line ends before block start */
- oldp = ml_get(lnum);
- if (b_insert)
- {
- p_ts = bdp->start_char_vcols;
- spaces = bdp->startspaces;
- if (spaces != 0)
- count = p_ts - 1; /* we're cutting a TAB */
- offset = bdp->textcol;
- }
- else /* append */
- {
- p_ts = bdp->end_char_vcols;
- if (!bdp->is_short) /* spaces = padding after block */
- {
- spaces = (bdp->endspaces ? p_ts - bdp->endspaces : 0);
- if (spaces != 0)
- count = p_ts - 1; /* we're cutting a TAB */
- offset = bdp->textcol + bdp->textlen - (spaces != 0);
- }
- else /* spaces = padding to block edge */
- {
- /* if $ used, just append to EOL (ie spaces==0) */
- if (!bdp->is_MAX)
- spaces = (oap->end_vcol - bdp->end_vcol) + 1;
- count = spaces;
- offset = bdp->textcol + bdp->textlen;
- }
- }
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)(STRLEN(oldp)) + s_len + count + 1);
- if (newp == NULL)
- continue;
- /* copy up to shifted part */
- mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)(offset));
- oldp += offset;
- /* insert pre-padding */
- copy_spaces(newp + offset, (size_t)spaces);
- /* copy the new text */
- mch_memmove(newp + offset + spaces, s, (size_t)s_len);
- offset += s_len;
- if (spaces && !bdp->is_short)
- {
- /* insert post-padding */
- copy_spaces(newp + offset + spaces, (size_t)(p_ts - spaces));
- /* We're splitting a TAB, don't copy it. */
- oldp++;
- /* We allowed for that TAB, remember this now */
- count++;
- }
- if (spaces > 0)
- offset += count;
- mch_memmove(newp + offset, oldp, (size_t)(STRLEN(oldp) + 1));
- ml_replace(lnum, newp, FALSE);
- if (lnum == oap->end.lnum)
- {
- /* Set "']" mark to the end of the block instead of the end of
- * the insert in the first line. */
- curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = oap->end.lnum;
- curbuf->b_op_end.col = offset;
- }
- } /* for all lnum */
- changed_lines(oap->start.lnum + 1, 0, oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
- State = oldstate;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_LISP) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT)
- /*
- * op_reindent - handle reindenting a block of lines.
- */
- void
- op_reindent(oap, how)
- oparg_T *oap;
- int (*how) __ARGS((void));
- {
- long i;
- char_u *l;
- int count;
- linenr_T first_changed = 0;
- linenr_T last_changed = 0;
- linenr_T start_lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- for (i = oap->line_count; --i >= 0 && !got_int; )
- {
- /* it's a slow thing to do, so give feedback so there's no worry that
- * the computer's just hung. */
- if (i > 1
- && (i % 50 == 0 || i == oap->line_count - 1)
- && oap->line_count > p_report)
- smsg((char_u *)_("%ld lines to indent... "), i);
- /*
- * Be vi-compatible: For lisp indenting the first line is not
- * indented, unless there is only one line.
- */
- #ifdef FEAT_LISP
- if (i != oap->line_count - 1 || oap->line_count == 1
- || how != get_lisp_indent)
- #endif
- {
- l = skipwhite(ml_get_curline());
- if (*l == NUL) /* empty or blank line */
- count = 0;
- else
- count = how(); /* get the indent for this line */
- if (set_indent(count, SIN_UNDO))
- {
- /* did change the indent, call changed_lines() later */
- if (first_changed == 0)
- first_changed = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- last_changed = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- }
- }
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- }
- /* put cursor on first non-blank of indented line */
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = start_lnum;
- beginline(BL_SOL | BL_FIX);
- /* Mark changed lines so that they will be redrawn. When Visual
- * highlighting was present, need to continue until the last line. When
- * there is no change still need to remove the Visual highlighting. */
- if (last_changed != 0)
- changed_lines(first_changed, 0,
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- oap->is_VIsual ? start_lnum + oap->line_count :
- #endif
- last_changed + 1, 0L);
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- else if (oap->is_VIsual)
- redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
- #endif
- if (oap->line_count > p_report)
- {
- i = oap->line_count - (i + 1);
- if (i == 1)
- MSG(_("1 line indented "));
- else
- smsg((char_u *)_("%ld lines indented "), i);
- }
- /* set '[ and '] marks */
- curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
- curbuf->b_op_end = oap->end;
- }
- #endif /* defined(FEAT_LISP) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT) */
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- /*
- * Keep the last expression line here, for repeating.
- */
- static char_u *expr_line = NULL;
- /*
- * Get an expression for the "\"=expr1" or "CTRL-R =expr1"
- * Returns '=' when OK, NUL otherwise.
- */
- int
- get_expr_register()
- {
- char_u *new_line;
- new_line = getcmdline('=', 0L, 0);
- if (new_line == NULL)
- return NUL;
- if (*new_line == NUL) /* use previous line */
- vim_free(new_line);
- else
- set_expr_line(new_line);
- return '=';
- }
- /*
- * Set the expression for the '=' register.
- * Argument must be an allocated string.
- */
- void
- set_expr_line(new_line)
- char_u *new_line;
- {
- vim_free(expr_line);
- expr_line = new_line;
- }
- /*
- * Get the result of the '=' register expression.
- * Returns a pointer to allocated memory, or NULL for failure.
- */
- static char_u *
- get_expr_line()
- {
- char_u *expr_copy;
- char_u *rv;
- if (expr_line == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /* Make a copy of the expression, because evaluating it may cause it to be
- * changed. */
- expr_copy = vim_strsave(expr_line);
- if (expr_copy == NULL)
- return NULL;
- rv = eval_to_string(expr_copy, NULL);
- vim_free(expr_copy);
- return rv;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_EVAL */
- /*
- * Check if 'regname' is a valid name of a yank register.
- * Note: There is no check for 0 (default register), caller should do this
- */
- int
- valid_yank_reg(regname, writing)
- int regname;
- int writing; /* if TRUE check for writable registers */
- {
- if ( (regname > 0 && ASCII_ISALNUM(regname))
- || (!writing && vim_strchr((char_u *)
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- "/.%#:="
- #else
- "/.%#:"
- #endif
- , regname) != NULL)
- || regname == '"'
- || regname == '-'
- || regname == '_'
- || regname == '*'
- || regname == '+'
- #endif
- )
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Set y_current and y_append, according to the value of "regname".
- * Cannot handle the '_' register.
- *
- * If regname is 0 and writing, use register 0
- * If regname is 0 and reading, use previous register
- */
- static void
- get_yank_register(regname, writing)
- int regname;
- int writing;
- {
- int i;
- y_append = FALSE;
- if ((regname == 0 || regname == '"') && !writing && y_previous != NULL)
- {
- y_current = y_previous;
- return;
- }
- i = regname;
- if (isdigit(i))
- i -= '0';
- else if (ASCII_ISLOWER(i))
- i = CharOrdLow(i) + 10;
- else if (ASCII_ISUPPER(i))
- {
- i = CharOrdUp(i) + 10;
- y_append = TRUE;
- }
- else if (regname == '-')
- /* When selection is not available, use register 0 instead of '*' */
- else if (clip_star.available && regname == '*')
- /* When clipboard is not available, use register 0 instead of '+' */
- else if (clip_plus.available && regname == '+')
- #endif
- else /* not 0-9, a-z, A-Z or '-': use register 0 */
- i = 0;
- y_current = &(y_regs[i]);
- if (writing) /* remember the register we write into for do_put() */
- y_previous = y_current;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_MOUSE) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * return TRUE if the current yank register has type MLINE
- */
- int
- yank_register_mline(regname)
- int regname;
- {
- if (regname != 0 && !valid_yank_reg(regname, FALSE))
- return FALSE;
- if (regname == '_') /* black hole is always empty */
- return FALSE;
- get_yank_register(regname, FALSE);
- return (y_current->y_type == MLINE);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * start or stop recording into a yank register
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- do_record(c)
- int c;
- {
- char_u *p;
- static int regname;
- struct yankreg *old_y_previous, *old_y_current;
- int retval;
- if (Recording == FALSE) /* start recording */
- {
- /* registers 0-9, a-z and " are allowed */
- if (c < 0 || (!ASCII_ISALNUM(c) && c != '"'))
- retval = FAIL;
- else
- {
- Recording = TRUE;
- showmode();
- regname = c;
- retval = OK;
- }
- }
- else /* stop recording */
- {
- /*
- * Get the recorded key hits. K_SPECIAL and CSI will be escaped, so
- * that the register can be put into the typeahead buffer without
- * translation.
- */
- Recording = FALSE;
- MSG("");
- p = get_recorded();
- if (p == NULL)
- retval = FAIL;
- else
- {
- /*
- * We don't want to change the default register here, so save and
- * restore the current register name.
- */
- old_y_previous = y_previous;
- old_y_current = y_current;
- retval = stuff_yank(regname, p);
- y_previous = old_y_previous;
- y_current = old_y_current;
- }
- }
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- * Stuff string "p" into yank register "regname" as a single line (append if
- * uppercase). "p" must have been alloced.
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- static int
- stuff_yank(regname, p)
- int regname;
- char_u *p;
- {
- char_u *lp;
- char_u **pp;
- /* check for read-only register */
- if (regname != 0 && !valid_yank_reg(regname, TRUE))
- {
- vim_free(p);
- return FAIL;
- }
- if (regname == '_') /* black hole: don't do anything */
- {
- vim_free(p);
- return OK;
- }
- get_yank_register(regname, TRUE);
- if (y_append && y_current->y_array != NULL)
- {
- pp = &(y_current->y_array[y_current->y_size - 1]);
- lp = lalloc((long_u)(STRLEN(*pp) + STRLEN(p) + 1), TRUE);
- if (lp == NULL)
- {
- vim_free(p);
- return FAIL;
- }
- STRCPY(lp, *pp);
- STRCAT(lp, p);
- vim_free(p);
- vim_free(*pp);
- *pp = lp;
- }
- else
- {
- free_yank_all();
- if ((y_current->y_array =
- (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)sizeof(char_u *))) == NULL)
- {
- vim_free(p);
- return FAIL;
- }
- y_current->y_array[0] = p;
- y_current->y_size = 1;
- y_current->y_type = MCHAR; /* used to be MLINE, why? */
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * execute a yank register: copy it into the stuff buffer
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- do_execreg(regname, colon, addcr)
- int regname;
- int colon; /* insert ':' before each line */
- int addcr; /* always add '\n' to end of line */
- {
- static int lastc = NUL;
- long i;
- char_u *p;
- int retval = OK;
- int remap;
- if (regname == '@') /* repeat previous one */
- regname = lastc;
- /* check for valid regname */
- if (regname == '%' || regname == '#' || !valid_yank_reg(regname, FALSE))
- return FAIL;
- lastc = regname;
- if (regname == '_') /* black hole: don't stuff anything */
- return OK;
- if (regname == ':') /* use last command line */
- {
- if (last_cmdline == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_nolastcmd));
- return FAIL;
- }
- vim_free(new_last_cmdline); /* don't keep the cmdline containing @: */
- new_last_cmdline = NULL;
- retval = put_in_typebuf(last_cmdline, TRUE);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- else if (regname == '=')
- {
- p = get_expr_line();
- if (p == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- retval = put_in_typebuf(p, colon);
- vim_free(p);
- }
- #endif
- else if (regname == '.') /* use last inserted text */
- {
- p = get_last_insert_save();
- if (p == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_noinstext));
- return FAIL;
- }
- retval = put_in_typebuf(p, colon);
- vim_free(p);
- }
- else
- {
- get_yank_register(regname, FALSE);
- if (y_current->y_array == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- /* Disallow remaping for ":@r". */
- remap = colon ? REMAP_NONE : REMAP_YES;
- /*
- * Insert lines into typeahead buffer, from last one to first one.
- */
- for (i = y_current->y_size; --i >= 0; )
- {
- /* insert NL between lines and after last line if type is MLINE */
- if (y_current->y_type == MLINE || i < y_current->y_size - 1
- || addcr)
- {
- if (ins_typebuf((char_u *)"\n", remap, 0, TRUE, FALSE) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- }
- if (ins_typebuf(y_current->y_array[i], remap, 0, TRUE, FALSE)
- == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- if (colon && ins_typebuf((char_u *)":", remap, 0, TRUE, FALSE)
- == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- }
- Exec_reg = TRUE; /* disable the 'q' command */
- }
- return retval;
- }
- static int
- put_in_typebuf(s, colon)
- char_u *s;
- int colon; /* add ':' before the line */
- {
- int retval = OK;
- if (colon)
- retval = ins_typebuf((char_u *)"\n", REMAP_YES, 0, TRUE, FALSE);
- if (retval == OK)
- retval = ins_typebuf(s, REMAP_YES, 0, TRUE, FALSE);
- if (colon && retval == OK)
- retval = ins_typebuf((char_u *)":", REMAP_YES, 0, TRUE, FALSE);
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- * Insert a yank register: copy it into the Read buffer.
- * Used by CTRL-R command and middle mouse button in insert mode.
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- insert_reg(regname, literally)
- int regname;
- int literally; /* insert literally, not as if typed */
- {
- long i;
- int retval = OK;
- char_u *arg;
- int allocated;
- /*
- * It is possible to get into an endless loop by having CTRL-R a in
- * register a and then, in insert mode, doing CTRL-R a.
- * If you hit CTRL-C, the loop will be broken here.
- */
- ui_breakcheck();
- if (got_int)
- return FAIL;
- /* check for valid regname */
- if (regname != NUL && !valid_yank_reg(regname, FALSE))
- return FAIL;
- if (regname == '*')
- {
- if (!clip_star.available)
- regname = 0;
- else
- clip_get_selection(&clip_star);
- }
- else if (regname == '+')
- {
- if (!clip_plus.available)
- regname = 0;
- else
- clip_get_selection(&clip_plus);
- }
- #endif
- if (regname == '.') /* insert last inserted text */
- retval = stuff_inserted(NUL, 1L, TRUE);
- else if (get_spec_reg(regname, &arg, &allocated, TRUE))
- {
- if (arg == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- stuffescaped(arg, literally);
- if (allocated)
- vim_free(arg);
- }
- else /* name or number register */
- {
- get_yank_register(regname, FALSE);
- if (y_current->y_array == NULL)
- retval = FAIL;
- else
- {
- for (i = 0; i < y_current->y_size; ++i)
- {
- stuffescaped(y_current->y_array[i], literally);
- /*
- * Insert a newline between lines and after last line if
- * y_type is MLINE.
- */
- if (y_current->y_type == MLINE || i < y_current->y_size - 1)
- stuffcharReadbuff('\n');
- }
- }
- }
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- * Stuff a string into the typeahead buffer, such that edit() will insert it
- * literally ("literally" TRUE) or interpret is as typed characters.
- */
- static void
- stuffescaped(arg, literally)
- char_u *arg;
- int literally;
- {
- int c;
- char_u *start;
- while (*arg != NUL)
- {
- /* Stuff a sequence of normal ASCII characters, that's fast. Also
- * stuff K_SPECIAL to get the effect of a special key when "literally"
- * is TRUE. */
- start = arg;
- while ((*arg >= ' '
- #ifndef EBCDIC
- && *arg < DEL /* EBCDIC: chars above space are normal */
- #endif
- )
- || (*arg == K_SPECIAL && !literally))
- ++arg;
- if (arg > start)
- stuffReadbuffLen(start, (long)(arg - start));
- /* stuff a single special character */
- if (*arg != NUL)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- c = mb_ptr2char_adv(&arg);
- else
- #endif
- c = *arg++;
- if (literally && ((c < ' ' && c != TAB) || c == DEL))
- stuffcharReadbuff(Ctrl_V);
- stuffcharReadbuff(c);
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * If "regname" is a special register, return a pointer to its value.
- */
- static int
- get_spec_reg(regname, argp, allocated, errmsg)
- int regname;
- char_u **argp;
- int *allocated;
- int errmsg; /* give error message when failing */
- {
- int cnt;
- *argp = NULL;
- *allocated = FALSE;
- switch (regname)
- {
- case '%': /* file name */
- if (errmsg)
- check_fname(); /* will give emsg if not set */
- *argp = curbuf->b_fname;
- return TRUE;
- case '#': /* alternate file name */
- *argp = getaltfname(errmsg); /* may give emsg if not set */
- return TRUE;
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- case '=': /* result of expression */
- *argp = get_expr_line();
- *allocated = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- #endif
- case ':': /* last command line */
- if (last_cmdline == NULL && errmsg)
- EMSG(_(e_nolastcmd));
- *argp = last_cmdline;
- return TRUE;
- case '/': /* last search-pattern */
- if (last_search_pat() == NULL && errmsg)
- EMSG(_(e_noprevre));
- *argp = last_search_pat();
- return TRUE;
- case '.': /* last inserted text */
- *argp = get_last_insert_save();
- *allocated = TRUE;
- if (*argp == NULL && errmsg)
- EMSG(_(e_noinstext));
- return TRUE;
- case Ctrl_F: /* Filename under cursor */
- case Ctrl_P: /* Path under cursor, expand via "path" */
- if (!errmsg)
- return FALSE;
- *argp = file_name_at_cursor(FNAME_MESS | FNAME_HYP
- | (regname == Ctrl_P ? FNAME_EXP : 0), 1L);
- *allocated = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- #endif
- case Ctrl_W: /* word under cursor */
- case Ctrl_A: /* WORD (mnemonic All) under cursor */
- if (!errmsg)
- return FALSE;
- cnt = find_ident_under_cursor(argp, regname == Ctrl_W
- *argp = cnt ? vim_strnsave(*argp, cnt) : NULL;
- *allocated = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- case '_': /* black hole: always empty */
- *argp = (char_u *)"";
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * paste a yank register into the command line.
- * used by CTRL-R command in command-line mode
- * insert_reg() can't be used here, because special characters from the
- * register contents will be interpreted as commands.
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- cmdline_paste(regname, literally)
- int regname;
- int literally; /* Insert text literally instead of "as typed" */
- {
- long i;
- char_u *arg;
- int allocated;
- /* check for valid regname; also accept special characters for CTRL-R in
- * the command line */
- if (regname != Ctrl_F && regname != Ctrl_P && regname != Ctrl_W
- && regname != Ctrl_A && !valid_yank_reg(regname, FALSE))
- return FAIL;
- /* A register containing CTRL-R can cause an endless loop. Allow using
- * CTRL-C to break the loop. */
- line_breakcheck();
- if (got_int)
- return FAIL;
- if (regname == '*')
- {
- if (!clip_star.available)
- regname = 0;
- else
- clip_get_selection(&clip_star);
- }
- else if (regname == '+')
- {
- if (!clip_plus.available)
- regname = 0;
- else
- clip_get_selection(&clip_plus);
- }
- #endif
- if (get_spec_reg(regname, &arg, &allocated, TRUE))
- {
- if (arg == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- cmdline_paste_str(arg, literally);
- if (allocated)
- vim_free(arg);
- return OK;
- }
- get_yank_register(regname, FALSE);
- if (y_current->y_array == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- for (i = 0; i < y_current->y_size; ++i)
- {
- cmdline_paste_str(y_current->y_array[i], literally);
- /* insert ^M between lines and after last line if type is MLINE */
- if (y_current->y_type == MLINE || i < y_current->y_size - 1)
- cmdline_paste_str((char_u *)"\r", literally);
- }
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Put a string on the command line.
- * When "literally" is TRUE, insert literally.
- * When "literally" is FALSE, insert as typed, but don't leave the command
- * line.
- */
- static void
- cmdline_paste_str(s, literally)
- char_u *s;
- int literally;
- {
- int c, cv;
- if (literally)
- put_on_cmdline(s, -1, TRUE);
- else
- while (*s != NUL)
- {
- cv = *s;
- if (cv == Ctrl_V && s[1])
- ++s;
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- c = mb_ptr2char_adv(&s);
- else
- #endif
- c = *s++;
- if (cv == Ctrl_V || c == ESC || c == Ctrl_C || c == CR || c == NL
- #ifdef UNIX
- || c == intr_char
- #endif
- || (c == Ctrl_BSL && *s == Ctrl_N))
- stuffcharReadbuff(Ctrl_V);
- stuffcharReadbuff(c);
- }
- }
- /*
- * op_delete - handle a delete operation
- *
- * return FAIL if undo failed, OK otherwise.
- */
- int
- op_delete(oap)
- oparg_T *oap;
- {
- int n;
- linenr_T lnum;
- char_u *ptr;
- char_u *newp, *oldp;
- linenr_T old_lcount = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- int did_yank = FALSE;
- struct block_def bd;
- if (curbuf->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_EMPTY) /* nothing to do */
- return OK;
- /* Nothing to delete, return here. Do prepare undo, for op_change(). */
- if (oap->empty)
- return u_save_cursor();
- if (!curbuf->b_p_ma)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_modifiable));
- return FAIL;
- }
- /* If no reg. specified, and "unnamed" is in 'clipboard', use '*' reg. */
- if (oap->regname == 0 && clip_unnamed)
- oap->regname = '*';
- if (!clip_star.available && oap->regname == '*')
- oap->regname = 0;
- if (!clip_plus.available && oap->regname == '+')
- oap->regname = 0;
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- mb_adjust_opend(oap);
- #endif
- /*
- * Imitate the strange Vi behaviour: If the delete spans more than one line
- * and motion_type == MCHAR and the result is a blank line, make the delete
- * linewise. Don't do this for the change command or Visual mode.
- */
- if ( oap->motion_type == MCHAR
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- && !oap->is_VIsual
- #endif
- && oap->line_count > 1
- && oap->op_type == OP_DELETE)
- {
- ptr = ml_get(oap->end.lnum) + oap->end.col + oap->inclusive;
- ptr = skipwhite(ptr);
- if (*ptr == NUL && inindent(0))
- oap->motion_type = MLINE;
- }
- /*
- * Check for trying to delete (e.g. "D") in an empty line.
- * Note: For the change operator it is ok.
- */
- if ( oap->motion_type == MCHAR
- && oap->line_count == 1
- && oap->op_type == OP_DELETE
- && *ml_get(oap->start.lnum) == NUL)
- {
- /*
- * It's an error to operate on an empty region, when 'E' inclucded in
- * 'cpoptions' (Vi compatible).
- */
- if (vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_EMPTYREGION) != NULL)
- beep_flush();
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Do a yank of whatever we're about to delete.
- * If a yank register was specified, put the deleted text into that register.
- * For the black hole register '_' don't yank anything.
- */
- if (oap->regname != '_')
- {
- if (oap->regname != 0)
- {
- /* check for read-only register */
- if (!valid_yank_reg(oap->regname, TRUE))
- {
- beep_flush();
- return OK;
- }
- get_yank_register(oap->regname, TRUE); /* yank into specif'd reg. */
- if (op_yank(oap, TRUE, FALSE) == OK) /* yank without message */
- did_yank = TRUE;
- }
- /*
- * Put deleted text into register 1 and shift number registers if the
- * delete contains a line break, or when a regname has been specified.
- */
- if (oap->regname != 0 || oap->motion_type == MLINE
- || oap->line_count > 1 || oap->use_reg_one)
- {
- y_current = &y_regs[9];
- free_yank_all(); /* free register nine */
- for (n = 9; n > 1; --n)
- y_regs[n] = y_regs[n - 1];
- y_previous = y_current = &y_regs[1];
- y_regs[1].y_array = NULL; /* set register one to empty */
- if (op_yank(oap, TRUE, FALSE) == OK)
- did_yank = TRUE;
- }
- /* Yank into small delete register when no register specified and the
- * delete is within one line. */
- if (oap->regname == 0 && oap->motion_type != MLINE
- && oap->line_count == 1)
- {
- oap->regname = '-';
- get_yank_register(oap->regname, TRUE);
- if (op_yank(oap, TRUE, FALSE) == OK)
- did_yank = TRUE;
- oap->regname = 0;
- }
- /*
- * If there's too much stuff to fit in the yank register, then get a
- * confirmation before doing the delete. This is crude, but simple.
- * And it avoids doing a delete of something we can't put back if we
- * want.
- */
- if (!did_yank)
- {
- msg_silent = 0; /* must display the prompt */
- if (ask_yesno((char_u *)_("cannot yank; delete anyway"), TRUE)
- != 'y')
- {
- EMSG(_(e_abort));
- return FAIL;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * block mode delete
- */
- if (oap->block_mode)
- {
- if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
- (linenr_T)(oap->end.lnum + 1)) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- for (lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum; lnum <= oap->end.lnum; ++lnum)
- {
- block_prep(oap, &bd, lnum, TRUE);
- if (bd.textlen == 0) /* nothing to delete */
- continue;
- /* Adjust cursor position for tab replaced by spaces and 'lbr'. */
- if (lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- curwin->w_cursor.col = bd.textcol + bd.startspaces;
- /* n == number of chars deleted
- * If we delete a TAB, it may be replaced by several characters.
- * Thus the number of characters may increase!
- */
- n = bd.textlen - bd.startspaces - bd.endspaces;
- oldp = ml_get(lnum);
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)STRLEN(oldp) + 1 - n);
- if (newp == NULL)
- continue;
- /* copy up to deleted part */
- mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)bd.textcol);
- /* insert spaces */
- copy_spaces(newp + bd.textcol,
- (size_t)(bd.startspaces + bd.endspaces));
- /* copy the part after the deleted part */
- oldp += bd.textcol + bd.textlen;
- mch_memmove(newp + bd.textcol + bd.startspaces + bd.endspaces,
- oldp, STRLEN(oldp) + 1);
- /* replace the line */
- ml_replace(lnum, newp, FALSE);
- }
- /* Put cursor back at start of changed block */
- changed_lines(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, curwin->w_cursor.col,
- oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
- oap->line_count = 0; /* no lines deleted */
- }
- else if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
- {
- if (oap->op_type == OP_CHANGE)
- {
- /* Delete the lines except the first one. Temporarily move the
- * cursor to the next line. Save the current line number, if the
- * last line is deleted it may be changed.
- */
- if (oap->line_count > 1)
- {
- lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- del_lines((long)(oap->line_count - 1), TRUE);
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
- }
- if (u_save_cursor() == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- if (curbuf->b_p_ai) /* don't delete indent */
- {
- beginline(BL_WHITE); /* cursor on first non-white */
- did_ai = TRUE; /* delete the indent when ESC hit */
- ai_col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
- }
- else
- beginline(0); /* cursor in column 0 */
- truncate_line(FALSE); /* delete the rest of the line */
- /* leave cursor past last char in line */
- if (oap->line_count > 1)
- u_clearline(); /* "U" command not possible after "2cc" */
- }
- else
- {
- del_lines(oap->line_count, TRUE);
- beginline(BL_WHITE | BL_FIX);
- u_clearline(); /* "U" command not possible after "dd" */
- }
- }
- else if (oap->line_count == 1) /* delete characters within one line */
- {
- if (u_save_cursor() == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- /* if 'cpoptions' contains '$', display '$' at end of change */
- if ( vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_DOLLAR) != NULL
- && oap->op_type == OP_CHANGE
- && oap->end.lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- && !oap->is_VIsual
- #endif
- )
- display_dollar(oap->end.col - !oap->inclusive);
- n = oap->end.col - oap->start.col + 1 - !oap->inclusive;
- if (virtual_active())
- {
- /* fix up things for virtualedit-delete:
- * make sure the coladds are in the right order, and
- * break the tabs which are going to get in our way
- */
- char_u *curline = ml_get_curline();
- int oldcol = getviscol();
- int len;
- int endcol;
- if (oap->start.col == oap->end.col
- && oap->end.coladd < oap->start.coladd)
- {
- colnr_T tmp = oap->start.coladd;
- oap->start.coladd = oap->end.coladd;
- oap->end.coladd = tmp;
- curwin->w_cursor.coladd = oap->start.coladd;
- }
- if (curline[oap->start.col] == '\t')
- {
- endcol = getviscol2(oap->end.col, oap->end.coladd);
- coladvance_force(getviscol2(oap->start.col, oap->start.coladd));
- oap->start.col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
- oap->start.coladd = 0;
- coladvance(endcol);
- oap->end.col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
- oap->end.coladd = curwin->w_cursor.coladd;
- coladvance(oldcol);
- curline = ml_get_curline();
- }
- if (curline[oap->end.col] == '\t')
- {
- coladvance_force(getviscol2(oap->end.col, oap->end.coladd));
- oap->end.col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
- oap->end.coladd = 0;
- coladvance(oldcol);
- curline = ml_get_curline();
- }
- n = oap->end.col - oap->start.col + 1 - !oap->inclusive;
- len = (int)STRLEN(curline);
- if (oap->end.coladd != 0 && (int)oap->end.col >= len - 1
- && !(oap->start.coladd && (int)oap->end.col >= len - 1))
- n++;
- /* Delete at least one character (e.g, when on a control char). */
- if (n == 0 && oap->start.coladd != oap->end.coladd)
- n = 1;
- /* When deleted a char in the line, reset coladd. */
- if (gchar_cursor() != NUL)
- curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
- }
- #endif
- (void)del_bytes((long)n, restart_edit == NUL);
- }
- else /* delete characters between lines */
- {
- if (u_save_cursor() == FAIL) /* save first line for undo */
- return FAIL;
- truncate_line(TRUE); /* delete from cursor to end of line */
- oap->start = curwin->w_cursor; /* remember curwin->w_cursor */
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- /* includes save for undo */
- del_lines((long)(oap->line_count - 2), TRUE);
- if (u_save_cursor() == FAIL) /* save last line for undo */
- return FAIL;
- u_clearline(); /* "U" should not be possible now */
- /* delete from start of line until op_end */
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
- (void)del_bytes((long)(oap->end.col + 1 - !oap->inclusive),
- restart_edit == NUL);
- curwin->w_cursor = oap->start; /* restore curwin->w_cursor */
- (void)do_join(FALSE);
- }
- msgmore(curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count - old_lcount);
- /*
- * Set "'[" and "']" marks.
- */
- curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
- if (oap->block_mode)
- {
- curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = oap->end.lnum;
- curbuf->b_op_end.col = oap->start.col;
- }
- else
- curbuf->b_op_end = oap->start;
- return OK;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- /*
- * Adjust end of operating area for ending on a multi-byte character.
- * Used for deletion.
- */
- static void
- mb_adjust_opend(oap)
- oparg_T *oap;
- {
- char_u *p;
- if (oap->inclusive)
- {
- p = ml_get(oap->end.lnum);
- oap->end.col += mb_tail_off(p, p + oap->end.col);
- }
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_VISUALEXTRA) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Replace a whole area with one character.
- */
- int
- op_replace(oap, c)
- oparg_T *oap;
- int c;
- {
- int n, numc;
- char_u *newp, *oldp;
- size_t oldlen;
- struct block_def bd;
- if ((curbuf->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_EMPTY ) || oap->empty)
- return OK; /* nothing to do */
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- mb_adjust_opend(oap);
- #endif
- if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
- (linenr_T)(oap->end.lnum + 1)) == FAIL)
- return FAIL;
- /*
- * block mode replace
- */
- if (oap->block_mode)
- {
- bd.is_MAX = (curwin->w_curswant == MAXCOL);
- for ( ; curwin->w_cursor.lnum <= oap->end.lnum; ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- {
- block_prep(oap, &bd, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, TRUE);
- if (bd.textlen == 0 && !virtual_active()) /* nothing to delete */
- continue;
- /* n == number of extra chars required
- * If we split a TAB, it may be replaced by several characters.
- * Thus the number of characters may increase!
- */
- /* If the range starts in virtual space, count the initial
- * coladd offset as part of "startspaces" */
- if (virtual_active() && bd.is_short && *bd.textstart == NUL)
- {
- pos_T vpos;
- getvpos(&vpos, oap->start_vcol);
- bd.startspaces += vpos.coladd;
- n = bd.startspaces;
- }
- else
- #endif
- /* allow for pre spaces */
- n = (bd.startspaces ? bd.start_char_vcols - 1 : 0);
- /* allow for post spp */
- n += (bd.endspaces
- && !bd.is_oneChar
- #endif
- && bd.end_char_vcols > 0 ? bd.end_char_vcols - 1 : 0);
- /* Figure out how many characters to replace. */
- numc = oap->end_vcol - oap->start_vcol + 1;
- if (bd.is_short && (!virtual_active() || bd.is_MAX))
- numc -= (oap->end_vcol - bd.end_vcol) + 1;
- /* oldlen includes textlen, so don't double count */
- n += numc - bd.textlen;
- oldp = ml_get_curline();
- oldlen = STRLEN(oldp);
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)oldlen + 1 + n);
- if (newp == NULL)
- continue;
- vim_memset(newp, NUL, (size_t)(oldlen + 1 + n));
- /* copy up to deleted part */
- mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)bd.textcol);
- oldp += bd.textcol + bd.textlen;
- /* insert pre-spaces */
- copy_spaces(newp + bd.textcol, (size_t)bd.startspaces);
- /* insert replacement chars CHECK FOR ALLOCATED SPACE */
- copy_chars(newp + STRLEN(newp), (size_t)numc, c);
- if (!bd.is_short)
- {
- /* insert post-spaces */
- copy_spaces(newp + STRLEN(newp), (size_t)bd.endspaces);
- /* copy the part after the changed part */
- mch_memmove(newp + STRLEN(newp), oldp, STRLEN(oldp) + 1);
- }
- /* replace the line */
- ml_replace(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, newp, FALSE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * MCHAR and MLINE motion replace.
- */
- if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
- {
- oap->start.col = 0;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
- oap->end.col = (colnr_T)STRLEN(ml_get(oap->end.lnum));
- if (oap->end.col)
- --oap->end.col;
- }
- else if (!oap->inclusive)
- dec(&(oap->end));
- while (ltoreq(curwin->w_cursor, oap->end))
- {
- n = gchar_cursor();
- if (n != NUL)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if ((*mb_char2len)(c) > 1 || (*mb_char2len)(n) > 1)
- {
- /* This is slow, but it handles replacing a single-byte
- * with a multi-byte and the other way around. */
- n = State;
- State = REPLACE;
- ins_char(c);
- State = n;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- if (n == TAB)
- {
- int end_vcol = 0;
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum == oap->end.lnum)
- {
- /* oap->end has to be recalculated when
- * the tab breaks */
- end_vcol = getviscol2(oap->end.col,
- oap->end.coladd);
- }
- coladvance_force(getviscol());
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum == oap->end.lnum)
- getvpos(&oap->end, end_vcol);
- pchar(curwin->w_cursor, c);
- }
- #endif
- pchar(curwin->w_cursor, c);
- }
- }
- else if (virtual_active() && curwin->w_cursor.lnum == oap->end.lnum)
- {
- int virtcols = oap->end.coladd;
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum == oap->start.lnum
- && oap->start.col == oap->end.col && oap->start.coladd)
- virtcols -= oap->start.coladd;
- /* oap->end has been trimmed so it's effectively inclusive;
- * as a result an extra +1 must be counted so we don't
- * trample the NUL byte. */
- coladvance_force(getviscol2(oap->end.col, oap->end.coladd) + 1);
- curwin->w_cursor.col -= (virtcols + 1);
- for (; virtcols >= 0; virtcols--)
- {
- pchar(curwin->w_cursor, c);
- if (inc(&curwin->w_cursor) == -1)
- break;
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* Advance to next character, stop at the end of the file. */
- if (inc(&curwin->w_cursor) == -1)
- break;
- }
- }
- curwin->w_cursor = oap->start;
- check_cursor();
- changed_lines(oap->start.lnum, oap->start.col, oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
- /* Set "'[" and "']" marks. */
- curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
- curbuf->b_op_end = oap->end;
- return OK;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Handle the (non-standard vi) tilde operator. Also for "gu" and "gU".
- */
- void
- op_tilde(oap)
- oparg_T *oap;
- {
- pos_T pos;
- struct block_def bd;
- int did_change = 0;
- if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
- (linenr_T)(oap->end.lnum + 1)) == FAIL)
- return;
- pos = oap->start;
- if (oap->block_mode) /* Visual block mode */
- {
- for (; pos.lnum <= oap->end.lnum; ++pos.lnum)
- {
- block_prep(oap, &bd, pos.lnum, FALSE);
- pos.col = bd.textcol;
- while (--bd.textlen >= 0)
- {
- did_change |= swapchar(oap->op_type, &pos);
- if (inc(&pos) == -1) /* at end of file */
- break;
- }
- }
- if (did_change)
- changed_lines(oap->start.lnum, 0, oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
- }
- else /* not block mode */
- {
- if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
- {
- oap->start.col = 0;
- pos.col = 0;
- oap->end.col = (colnr_T)STRLEN(ml_get(oap->end.lnum));
- if (oap->end.col)
- --oap->end.col;
- }
- else if (!oap->inclusive)
- dec(&(oap->end));
- while (ltoreq(pos, oap->end))
- {
- did_change |= swapchar(oap->op_type, &pos);
- if (inc(&pos) == -1) /* at end of file */
- break;
- }
- if (did_change)
- changed_lines(oap->start.lnum, oap->start.col, oap->end.lnum + 1,
- 0L);
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- if (!did_change && oap->is_VIsual)
- /* No change: need to remove the Visual selection */
- redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
- #endif
- /*
- * Set '[ and '] marks.
- */
- curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
- curbuf->b_op_end = oap->end;
- if (oap->line_count > p_report)
- {
- if (oap->line_count == 1)
- MSG(_("1 line ~ed"));
- else
- smsg((char_u *)_("%ld lines ~ed"), oap->line_count);
- }
- }
- /*
- * If op_type == OP_UPPER: make uppercase,
- * if op_type == OP_LOWER: make lowercase,
- * else swap case of character at 'pos'
- * returns TRUE when something actually changed.
- */
- int
- swapchar(op_type, pos)
- int op_type;
- pos_T *pos;
- {
- int c;
- int nc;
- c = gchar_pos(pos);
- /* Only do rot13 encoding for ASCII characters. */
- if (c >= 0x80 && op_type == OP_ROT13)
- return FALSE;
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (enc_dbcs != 0 && c >= 0x100) /* No lower/uppercase letter */
- return FALSE;
- #endif
- nc = c;
- if (MB_ISLOWER(c))
- {
- if (op_type == OP_ROT13)
- nc = ROT13(c, 'a');
- else if (op_type != OP_LOWER)
- nc = MB_TOUPPER(c);
- }
- else if (MB_ISUPPER(c))
- {
- if (op_type == OP_ROT13)
- nc = ROT13(c, 'A');
- else if (op_type != OP_UPPER)
- nc = MB_TOLOWER(c);
- }
- if (nc != c)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (enc_utf8 && (c >= 0x80 || nc >= 0x80))
- {
- pos_T sp = curwin->w_cursor;
- curwin->w_cursor = *pos;
- del_char(FALSE);
- ins_char(nc);
- curwin->w_cursor = sp;
- }
- else
- #endif
- pchar(*pos, nc);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_VISUALEXTRA) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * op_insert - Insert and append operators for Visual mode.
- */
- void
- op_insert(oap, count1)
- oparg_T *oap;
- long count1;
- {
- long ins_len, pre_textlen = 0;
- char_u *firstline, *ins_text;
- struct block_def bd;
- int i;
- if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
- (linenr_T)(oap->end.lnum + 1)) == FAIL)
- return;
- /* edit() changes this - record it for OP_APPEND */
- bd.is_MAX = (curwin->w_curswant == MAXCOL);
- /* vis block is still marked. Get rid of it now. */
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = oap->start.lnum;
- update_screen(INVERTED);
- if (oap->block_mode)
- {
- /* When 'virtualedit' is used, need to insert the extra spaces before
- * doing block_prep(). When only "block" is used, virtual edit is
- * already disabled, but still need it when calling
- * coladvance_force(). */
- if (curwin->w_cursor.coladd > 0)
- {
- int old_ve_flags = ve_flags;
- ve_flags = VE_ALL;
- coladvance_force(oap->op_type == OP_APPEND
- ? oap->end_vcol + 1 : getviscol());
- if (oap->op_type == OP_APPEND)
- --curwin->w_cursor.col;
- ve_flags = old_ve_flags;
- }
- #endif
- /* Get the info about the block before entering the text */
- block_prep(oap, &bd, oap->start.lnum, TRUE);
- firstline = ml_get(oap->start.lnum) + bd.textcol;
- if (oap->op_type == OP_APPEND)
- firstline += bd.textlen;
- pre_textlen = (long)STRLEN(firstline);
- }
- if (oap->op_type == OP_APPEND)
- {
- if (oap->block_mode && curwin->w_cursor.coladd == 0)
- {
- /* this lil bit if code adapted from nv_append() */
- curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
- while (inc_cursor() == 0
- && (curwin->w_cursor.col < bd.textcol + bd.textlen))
- ;
- if (bd.is_short && !bd.is_MAX)
- {
- /* First line was too short, make it longer and adjust the
- * values in "bd". */
- for (i = 0; i < bd.endspaces; ++i)
- ins_char(' ');
- bd.textlen += bd.endspaces;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- curwin->w_cursor = oap->end;
- /* Works just like an 'i'nsert on the next character. */
- if (!lineempty(curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- && oap->start_vcol != oap->end_vcol)
- inc_cursor();
- }
- }
- edit(NUL, FALSE, (linenr_T)count1);
- /* if user has moved off this line, we don't know what to do, so do
- * nothing */
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum != oap->start.lnum)
- return;
- if (oap->block_mode)
- {
- struct block_def bd2;
- /*
- * Spaces and tabs in the indent may have changed to other spaces and
- * tabs. Get the starting column again and correct the lenght.
- * Don't do this when "$" used, end-of-line will have changed.
- */
- block_prep(oap, &bd2, oap->start.lnum, TRUE);
- if (!bd.is_MAX || bd2.textlen < bd.textlen)
- {
- if (oap->op_type == OP_APPEND)
- {
- pre_textlen += bd2.textlen - bd.textlen;
- if (bd2.endspaces)
- --bd2.textlen;
- }
- bd.textcol = bd2.textcol;
- bd.textlen = bd2.textlen;
- }
- /*
- * Subsequent calls to ml_get() flush the firstline data - take a
- * copy of the required string.
- */
- firstline = ml_get(oap->start.lnum) + bd.textcol;
- if (oap->op_type == OP_APPEND)
- firstline += bd.textlen;
- if ((ins_len = (long)STRLEN(firstline) - pre_textlen) > 0)
- {
- ins_text = vim_strnsave(firstline, (int)ins_len);
- if (ins_text != NULL)
- {
- /* block handled here */
- block_insert(oap, ins_text, (oap->op_type == OP_INSERT), &bd);
- curwin->w_cursor.col = oap->start.col;
- check_cursor();
- }
- vim_free(ins_text);
- }
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_LISP) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT)
- if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
- fix_indent();
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * op_change - handle a change operation
- *
- * return TRUE if edit() returns because of a CTRL-O command
- */
- int
- op_change(oap)
- oparg_T *oap;
- {
- colnr_T l;
- int retval;
- long offset;
- linenr_T linenr;
- long ins_len, pre_textlen = 0;
- char_u *firstline;
- char_u *ins_text, *newp, *oldp;
- struct block_def bd;
- #endif
- l = oap->start.col;
- if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
- {
- l = 0;
- if (!p_paste && curbuf->b_p_si
- # ifdef FEAT_CINDENT
- && !curbuf->b_p_cin
- # endif
- )
- can_si = TRUE; /* It's like opening a new line, do si */
- #endif
- }
- /* First delete the text in the region. In an empty buffer only need to
- * save for undo */
- if (curbuf->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_EMPTY)
- {
- if (u_save_cursor() == FAIL)
- return FALSE;
- }
- else if (op_delete(oap) == FAIL)
- return FALSE;
- if ((l > curwin->w_cursor.col) && !lineempty(curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- && !virtual_active())
- inc_cursor();
- /* check for still on same line (<CR> in inserted text meaningless) */
- /* skip blank lines too */
- if (oap->block_mode)
- {
- firstline = ml_get(oap->start.lnum);
- pre_textlen = (long)STRLEN(firstline);
- block_prep(oap, &bd, oap->start.lnum, TRUE);
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_LISP) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT)
- if (oap->motion_type == MLINE)
- fix_indent();
- #endif
- retval = edit(NUL, FALSE, (linenr_T)1);
- /*
- * In Visual block mode, handle copying the next text to all lines of the
- * block.
- */
- if (oap->block_mode && oap->start.lnum != oap->end.lnum)
- {
- firstline = ml_get(oap->start.lnum);
- /*
- * Subsequent calls to ml_get() flush the firstline data - take a
- * copy of the required bit.
- */
- if ((ins_len = (long)STRLEN(firstline) - pre_textlen) > 0)
- {
- if ((ins_text = alloc_check((unsigned)(ins_len + 1))) != 0)
- {
- /* put cursor at end of changed text */
- curwin->w_cursor = oap->end;
- STRNCPY(ins_text, firstline + bd.textcol, ins_len);
- *(ins_text + ins_len) = NUL;
- for (linenr = oap->start.lnum + 1; linenr <= oap->end.lnum;
- linenr++)
- {
- block_prep(oap, &bd, linenr, TRUE);
- if (!bd.is_short)
- {
- oldp = ml_get(linenr);
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)(STRLEN(oldp)
- + ins_len + 1));
- if (newp == NULL)
- continue;
- /* copy up to block start */
- mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)bd.textcol);
- for (offset = 0; offset < ins_len; offset++)
- *(newp + bd.textcol + offset) = *(ins_text
- + offset);
- oldp += bd.textcol;
- mch_memmove(newp + bd.textcol + offset, oldp,
- STRLEN(oldp) + 1);
- ml_replace(linenr, newp, FALSE);
- if (linenr == oap->end.lnum)
- curwin->w_cursor.col = bd.textcol + ins_len - 1;
- }
- }
- curwin->w_cursor.col = oap->start.col;
- check_cursor();
- changed_lines(oap->start.lnum + 1, 0, oap->end.lnum + 1, 0L);
- }
- vim_free(ins_text);
- }
- }
- #endif
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- * set all the yank registers to empty (called from main())
- */
- void
- init_yank()
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_REGISTERS; ++i)
- y_regs[i].y_array = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Free "n" lines from the current yank register.
- * Called for normal freeing and in case of error.
- */
- static void
- free_yank(n)
- long n;
- {
- if (y_current->y_array != NULL)
- {
- long i;
- for (i = n; --i >= 0; )
- {
- #ifdef AMIGA /* only for very slow machines */
- if ((i & 1023) == 1023) /* this may take a while */
- {
- /*
- * This message should never cause a hit-return message.
- * Overwrite this message with any next message.
- */
- ++no_wait_return;
- smsg((char_u *)_("freeing %ld lines"), i + 1);
- --no_wait_return;
- msg_didout = FALSE;
- msg_col = 0;
- }
- #endif
- vim_free(y_current->y_array[i]);
- }
- vim_free(y_current->y_array);
- y_current->y_array = NULL;
- #ifdef AMIGA
- if (n >= 1000)
- MSG("");
- #endif
- }
- }
- static void
- free_yank_all()
- {
- free_yank(y_current->y_size);
- }
- /*
- * Yank the text between curwin->w_cursor and startpos into a yank register.
- * If we are to append (uppercase register), we first yank into a new yank
- * register and then concatenate the old and the new one (so we keep the old
- * one in case of out-of-memory).
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- op_yank(oap, deleting, mess)
- oparg_T *oap;
- int deleting;
- int mess;
- {
- long y_idx; /* index in y_array[] */
- struct yankreg *curr; /* copy of y_current */
- struct yankreg newreg; /* new yank register when appending */
- char_u **new_ptr;
- linenr_T lnum; /* current line number */
- long j;
- int yanktype = oap->motion_type;
- long yanklines = oap->line_count;
- linenr_T yankendlnum = oap->end.lnum;
- char_u *p;
- char_u *pnew;
- struct block_def bd;
- /* check for read-only register */
- if (oap->regname != 0 && !valid_yank_reg(oap->regname, TRUE))
- {
- beep_flush();
- return FAIL;
- }
- if (oap->regname == '_') /* black hole: nothing to do */
- return OK;
- if (!clip_star.available && oap->regname == '*')
- oap->regname = 0;
- else if (!clip_plus.available && oap->regname == '+')
- oap->regname = 0;
- #endif
- if (!deleting) /* op_delete() already set y_current */
- get_yank_register(oap->regname, TRUE);
- curr = y_current;
- /* append to existing contents */
- if (y_append && y_current->y_array != NULL)
- y_current = &newreg;
- else
- free_yank_all(); /* free previously yanked lines */
- /*
- * If the cursor was in column 1 before and after the movement, and the
- * operator is not inclusive, the yank is always linewise.
- */
- if ( oap->motion_type == MCHAR
- && oap->start.col == 0
- && !oap->inclusive
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- && (!oap->is_VIsual || *p_sel == 'o')
- #endif
- && oap->end.col == 0
- && yanklines > 1)
- {
- yanktype = MLINE;
- --yankendlnum;
- --yanklines;
- }
- y_current->y_size = yanklines;
- y_current->y_type = yanktype; /* set the yank register type */
- y_current->y_width = 0;
- y_current->y_array = (char_u **)lalloc_clear((long_u)(sizeof(char_u *) *
- yanklines), TRUE);
- if (y_current->y_array == NULL)
- {
- y_current = curr;
- return FAIL;
- }
- y_idx = 0;
- lnum = oap->start.lnum;
- if (oap->block_mode)
- {
- /* Visual block mode */
- y_current->y_type = MBLOCK; /* set the yank register type */
- y_current->y_width = oap->end_vcol - oap->start_vcol;
- if (curwin->w_curswant == MAXCOL && y_current->y_width > 0)
- y_current->y_width--;
- }
- for ( ; lnum <= yankendlnum; lnum++, y_idx++)
- {
- switch (y_current->y_type)
- {
- case MBLOCK:
- block_prep(oap, &bd, lnum, FALSE);
- copyline:
- if ((pnew = alloc(bd.startspaces + bd.endspaces
- + bd.textlen + 1)) == NULL)
- {
- fail: /* free the allocated lines */
- free_yank(y_idx + 1);
- y_current = curr;
- return FAIL;
- }
- y_current->y_array[y_idx] = pnew;
- copy_spaces(pnew, (size_t)bd.startspaces);
- pnew += bd.startspaces;
- mch_memmove(pnew, bd.textstart, (size_t)bd.textlen);
- pnew += bd.textlen;
- copy_spaces(pnew, (size_t)bd.endspaces);
- pnew += bd.endspaces;
- *pnew = NUL;
- break;
- case MLINE:
- if ((y_current->y_array[y_idx] =
- vim_strsave(ml_get(lnum))) == NULL)
- goto fail;
- break;
- case MCHAR:
- {
- colnr_T startcol = 0, endcol = MAXCOL;
- int is_oneChar = FALSE;
- colnr_T cs, ce;
- #endif
- p = ml_get(lnum);
- bd.startspaces = 0;
- bd.endspaces = 0;
- if (lnum == oap->start.lnum)
- {
- startcol = oap->start.col;
- if (virtual_active())
- {
- getvcol(curwin, &oap->start, &cs, NUL, &ce);
- if (ce != cs && oap->start.coladd > 0)
- {
- /* Part of a tab selected -- but don't
- * double-count it. */
- bd.startspaces = (ce - cs + 1)
- - oap->start.coladd;
- startcol++;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (lnum == oap->end.lnum)
- {
- endcol = oap->end.col;
- if (virtual_active())
- {
- getvcol(curwin, &oap->end, &cs, NUL, &ce);
- if (p[endcol] == NUL || cs + oap->end.coladd < ce)
- {
- /* Special case: inside a single char */
- if (oap->start.lnum == oap->end.lnum
- && oap->start.col == oap->end.col)
- {
- is_oneChar = TRUE;
- bd.startspaces = oap->end.coladd
- - oap->start.coladd + oap->inclusive;
- endcol = startcol;
- }
- else
- {
- bd.endspaces = oap->end.coladd
- + oap->inclusive;
- endcol -= oap->inclusive;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (startcol > endcol
- || is_oneChar
- #endif
- )
- bd.textlen = 0;
- else
- {
- if (endcol == MAXCOL)
- endcol = STRLEN(p);
- bd.textlen = endcol - startcol + oap->inclusive;
- }
- bd.textstart = p + startcol;
- goto copyline;
- }
- }
- }
- if (curr != y_current) /* append the new block to the old block */
- {
- new_ptr = (char_u **)lalloc((long_u)(sizeof(char_u *) *
- (curr->y_size + y_current->y_size)), TRUE);
- if (new_ptr == NULL)
- goto fail;
- for (j = 0; j < curr->y_size; ++j)
- new_ptr[j] = curr->y_array[j];
- vim_free(curr->y_array);
- curr->y_array = new_ptr;
- if (yanktype == MLINE) /* MLINE overrides MCHAR and MBLOCK */
- curr->y_type = MLINE;
- /* concatenate the last line of the old block with the first line of
- * the new block */
- if (curr->y_type == MCHAR)
- {
- pnew = lalloc((long_u)(STRLEN(curr->y_array[curr->y_size - 1])
- + STRLEN(y_current->y_array[0]) + 1), TRUE);
- if (pnew == NULL)
- {
- y_idx = y_current->y_size - 1;
- goto fail;
- }
- STRCPY(pnew, curr->y_array[--j]);
- STRCAT(pnew, y_current->y_array[0]);
- vim_free(curr->y_array[j]);
- vim_free(y_current->y_array[0]);
- curr->y_array[j++] = pnew;
- y_idx = 1;
- }
- else
- y_idx = 0;
- while (y_idx < y_current->y_size)
- curr->y_array[j++] = y_current->y_array[y_idx++];
- curr->y_size = j;
- vim_free(y_current->y_array);
- y_current = curr;
- }
- if (mess) /* Display message about yank? */
- {
- if (yanktype == MCHAR && !oap->block_mode && yanklines == 1)
- yanklines = 0;
- /* Some versions of Vi use ">=" here, some don't... */
- if (yanklines > p_report)
- {
- /* redisplay now, so message is not deleted */
- update_topline_redraw();
- if (yanklines == 1)
- MSG(_("1 line yanked"));
- else
- smsg((char_u *)_("%ld lines yanked"), yanklines);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set "'[" and "']" marks.
- */
- curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
- curbuf->b_op_end = oap->end;
- /*
- * If we were yanking to the '*' register, send result to clipboard.
- * If no register was specified, and "unnamed" in 'clipboard', make a copy
- * to the '*' register.
- */
- if (clip_star.available
- && (curr == &(y_regs[STAR_REGISTER])
- || (!deleting && oap->regname == 0 && clip_unnamed)))
- {
- if (curr != &(y_regs[STAR_REGISTER]))
- /* Copy the text from register 0 to the clipboard register. */
- copy_yank_reg(&(y_regs[STAR_REGISTER]));
- clip_own_selection(&clip_star);
- clip_gen_set_selection(&clip_star);
- }
- # ifdef FEAT_X11
- /*
- * If we were yanking to the '+' register, send result to selection.
- * Also copy to the '*' register, in case auto-select is off.
- */
- else if (clip_plus.available && curr == &(y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER]))
- {
- /* No need to copy to * register upon 'unnamed' now - see below */
- clip_own_selection(&clip_plus);
- clip_gen_set_selection(&clip_plus);
- if (!clip_isautosel())
- {
- copy_yank_reg(&(y_regs[STAR_REGISTER]));
- clip_own_selection(&clip_star);
- clip_gen_set_selection(&clip_star);
- }
- }
- # endif
- #endif
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Make a copy of the y_current register to register "reg".
- */
- static void
- copy_yank_reg(reg)
- struct yankreg *reg;
- {
- struct yankreg *curr = y_current;
- long j;
- y_current = reg;
- free_yank_all();
- *y_current = *curr;
- y_current->y_array = (char_u **)lalloc_clear(
- (long_u)(sizeof(char_u *) * y_current->y_size), TRUE);
- if (y_current->y_array == NULL)
- y_current->y_size = 0;
- else
- for (j = 0; j < y_current->y_size; ++j)
- if ((y_current->y_array[j] = vim_strsave(curr->y_array[j])) == NULL)
- {
- free_yank(j);
- y_current->y_size = 0;
- break;
- }
- y_current = curr;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * put contents of register "regname" into the text
- * For ":put" command count == -1.
- * flags: PUT_FIXINDENT make indent look nice
- * PUT_CURSEND leave cursor after end of new text
- */
- void
- do_put(regname, dir, count, flags)
- int regname;
- int dir; /* BACKWARD for 'P', FORWARD for 'p' */
- long count;
- int flags;
- {
- char_u *ptr;
- char_u *newp, *oldp;
- int yanklen;
- int oldlen;
- int totlen = 0; /* init for gcc */
- linenr_T lnum;
- colnr_T col;
- long i; /* index in y_array[] */
- int y_type;
- long y_size;
- long y_width = 0;
- char_u **y_array = NULL;
- long nr_lines = 0;
- colnr_T vcol;
- int delcount;
- int incr = 0;
- long j;
- pos_T new_cursor;
- int indent;
- int orig_indent = 0; /* init for gcc */
- int indent_diff = 0; /* init for gcc */
- int first_indent = TRUE;
- int lendiff = 0;
- pos_T old_pos;
- struct block_def bd;
- char_u *insert_string = NULL;
- int allocated = FALSE;
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- int bytelen = 0;
- #endif
- long cnt;
- /* If no register specified, and "unnamed" in 'clipboard', use + register */
- if (regname == 0 && clip_unnamed)
- regname = '*';
- if (regname == '*')
- {
- if (!clip_star.available)
- regname = 0;
- else
- clip_get_selection(&clip_star);
- }
- else if (regname == '+')
- {
- if (!clip_plus.available)
- regname = 0;
- else
- clip_get_selection(&clip_plus);
- }
- #endif
- if (flags & PUT_FIXINDENT)
- orig_indent = get_indent();
- curbuf->b_op_start = curwin->w_cursor; /* default for '[ mark */
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- /* move to the start of the next (multi-byte) character */
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- {
- bytelen = (*mb_ptr2len_check)(ml_get_cursor());
- curbuf->b_op_start.col += bytelen;
- }
- else
- #endif
- curbuf->b_op_start.col++;
- }
- curbuf->b_op_end = curwin->w_cursor; /* default for '] mark */
- /*
- * Using inserted text works differently, because the register includes
- * special characters (newlines, etc.).
- */
- if (regname == '.')
- {
- (void)stuff_inserted((dir == FORWARD ? (count == -1 ? 'o' : 'a') :
- (count == -1 ? 'O' : 'i')), count, FALSE);
- /* Putting the text is done later, so can't really move the cursor to
- * the nex character. Use "l" to simulate it. */
- if ((flags & PUT_CURSEND) && gchar_cursor() != NUL)
- stuffcharReadbuff('l');
- return;
- }
- /*
- * For special registers '%' (file name), '#' (alternate file name) and
- * ':' (last command line), etc. we have to create a fake yank register.
- */
- if (get_spec_reg(regname, &insert_string, &allocated, TRUE))
- {
- if (insert_string == NULL)
- return;
- }
- if (insert_string != NULL)
- {
- y_type = MCHAR;
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- if (regname == '=')
- {
- /* For the = register we need to split the string at NL
- * characters. */
- /* Loop twice: count the number of lines and save them. */
- for (;;)
- {
- y_size = 0;
- ptr = insert_string;
- while (ptr != NULL)
- {
- if (y_array != NULL)
- y_array[y_size] = ptr;
- ++y_size;
- ptr = vim_strchr(ptr, '\n');
- if (ptr != NULL)
- {
- if (y_array != NULL)
- *ptr = NUL;
- ++ptr;
- /* A trailing '\n' makes the string linewise */
- if (*ptr == NUL)
- {
- y_type = MLINE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (y_array != NULL)
- break;
- y_array = (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)
- (y_size * sizeof(char_u *)));
- if (y_array == NULL)
- goto end;
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- y_size = 1; /* use fake one-line yank register */
- y_array = &insert_string;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- get_yank_register(regname, FALSE);
- y_type = y_current->y_type;
- y_width = y_current->y_width;
- y_size = y_current->y_size;
- y_array = y_current->y_array;
- }
- if (count == -1) /* :put command */
- {
- y_type = MLINE;
- count = 1;
- }
- if (y_size == 0 || y_array == NULL)
- {
- EMSG2(_("E353: Nothing in register %s"),
- regname == 0 ? (char_u *)"\"" : transchar(regname));
- goto end;
- }
- if (y_type == MBLOCK)
- {
- lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum + y_size + 1;
- if (lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count + 1;
- if (u_save(curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1, lnum) == FAIL)
- goto end;
- }
- else if (y_type == MLINE)
- {
- lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- /* Correct line number for closed fold. Don't move the cursor yet,
- * u_save() uses it. */
- if (dir == BACKWARD)
- (void)hasFolding(lnum, &lnum, NULL);
- else
- (void)hasFolding(lnum, NULL, &lnum);
- #endif
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- ++lnum;
- if (u_save(lnum - 1, lnum) == FAIL)
- goto end;
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum - 1;
- else
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
- #endif
- }
- else if (u_save_cursor() == FAIL)
- goto end;
- yanklen = (int)STRLEN(y_array[0]);
- if (ve_flags == VE_ALL && y_type == MCHAR)
- {
- if (gchar_cursor() == TAB)
- {
- /* Don't need to insert spaces when "p" on the last position of a
- * tab or "P" on the first position. */
- if (dir == FORWARD
- ? (int)curwin->w_cursor.coladd < curbuf->b_p_ts - 1
- : curwin->w_cursor.coladd > 0)
- coladvance_force(getviscol());
- else
- curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
- }
- else if (curwin->w_cursor.coladd > 0 || gchar_cursor() == NUL)
- coladvance_force(getviscol() + (dir == FORWARD));
- }
- #endif
- lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
- /*
- * Block mode
- */
- if (y_type == MBLOCK)
- {
- char c = gchar_cursor();
- colnr_T endcol2 = 0;
- if (dir == FORWARD && c != NUL)
- {
- if (ve_flags == VE_ALL)
- getvcol(curwin, &curwin->w_cursor, &col, NULL, &endcol2);
- else
- #endif
- getvcol(curwin, &curwin->w_cursor, NULL, NULL, &col);
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- /* move to start of next multi-byte character */
- curwin->w_cursor.col += bytelen;
- else
- #endif
- if (c != TAB || ve_flags != VE_ALL)
- #endif
- ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
- ++col;
- }
- else
- getvcol(curwin, &curwin->w_cursor, &col, NULL, &endcol2);
- col += curwin->w_cursor.coladd;
- if (ve_flags == VE_ALL && curwin->w_cursor.coladd > 0)
- {
- if (dir == FORWARD && c == NUL)
- ++col;
- if (dir != FORWARD && c != NUL)
- ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
- if (c == TAB)
- {
- if (dir == BACKWARD && curwin->w_cursor.col)
- curwin->w_cursor.col--;
- if (dir == FORWARD && col - 1 == endcol2)
- curwin->w_cursor.col++;
- }
- }
- curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
- #endif
- for (i = 0; i < y_size; ++i)
- {
- int spaces;
- char shortline;
- bd.startspaces = 0;
- bd.endspaces = 0;
- bd.textcol = 0;
- vcol = 0;
- delcount = 0;
- /* add a new line */
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- {
- if (ml_append(curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count, (char_u *)"",
- (colnr_T)1, FALSE) == FAIL)
- break;
- ++nr_lines;
- }
- /* get the old line and advance to the position to insert at */
- oldp = ml_get_curline();
- oldlen = (int)STRLEN(oldp);
- for (ptr = oldp; vcol < col && *ptr; )
- {
- /* Count a tab for what it's worth (if list mode not on) */
- incr = lbr_chartabsize_adv(&ptr, (colnr_T)vcol);
- vcol += incr;
- }
- bd.textcol = (colnr_T)(ptr - oldp);
- shortline = (vcol < col) || (vcol == col && !*ptr) ;
- if (vcol < col) /* line too short, padd with spaces */
- bd.startspaces = col - vcol;
- else if (vcol > col)
- {
- bd.endspaces = vcol - col;
- bd.startspaces = incr - bd.endspaces;
- --bd.textcol;
- delcount = 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- bd.textcol -= (*mb_head_off)(oldp, oldp + bd.textcol);
- #endif
- if (oldp[bd.textcol] != TAB)
- {
- /* Only a Tab can be split into spaces. Other
- * characters will have to be moved to after the
- * block, causing misalignment. */
- delcount = 0;
- bd.endspaces = 0;
- }
- }
- yanklen = (int)STRLEN(y_array[i]);
- /* calculate number of spaces required to fill right side of block*/
- spaces = y_width + 1;
- for (j = 0; j < yanklen; j++)
- spaces -= lbr_chartabsize(&y_array[i][j], 0);
- if (spaces < 0)
- spaces = 0;
- /* insert the new text */
- totlen = count * (yanklen + spaces) + bd.startspaces + bd.endspaces;
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)totlen + oldlen + 1);
- if (newp == NULL)
- break;
- /* copy part up to cursor to new line */
- ptr = newp;
- mch_memmove(ptr, oldp, (size_t)bd.textcol);
- ptr += bd.textcol;
- /* may insert some spaces before the new text */
- copy_spaces(ptr, (size_t)bd.startspaces);
- ptr += bd.startspaces;
- /* insert the new text */
- for (j = 0; j < count; ++j)
- {
- mch_memmove(ptr, y_array[i], (size_t)yanklen);
- ptr += yanklen;
- /* insert block's trailing spaces only if there's text behind */
- if ((j < count - 1 || !shortline) && spaces)
- {
- copy_spaces(ptr, (size_t)spaces);
- ptr += spaces;
- }
- }
- /* may insert some spaces after the new text */
- copy_spaces(ptr, (size_t)bd.endspaces);
- ptr += bd.endspaces;
- /* move the text after the cursor to the end of the line. */
- mch_memmove(ptr, oldp + bd.textcol + delcount,
- (size_t)(oldlen - bd.textcol - delcount + 1));
- ml_replace(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, newp, FALSE);
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- if (i == 0)
- curwin->w_cursor.col += bd.startspaces;
- }
- changed_lines(lnum, 0, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, nr_lines);
- /* adjust '] mark */
- curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1;
- curbuf->b_op_end.col = bd.textcol + totlen - 1;
- if (flags & PUT_CURSEND)
- {
- curwin->w_cursor = curbuf->b_op_end;
- curwin->w_cursor.col++;
- }
- else
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Character or Line mode
- */
- if (y_type == MCHAR)
- {
- /* if type is MCHAR, FORWARD is the same as BACKWARD on the next
- * char */
- if (dir == FORWARD && gchar_cursor() != NUL)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- {
- /* put it on the next of the multi-byte character. */
- col += bytelen;
- if (yanklen)
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.col += bytelen;
- curbuf->b_op_end.col += bytelen;
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- ++col;
- if (yanklen)
- {
- ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
- ++curbuf->b_op_end.col;
- }
- }
- }
- new_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
- }
- /*
- * Line mode: BACKWARD is the same as FORWARD on the previous line
- */
- else if (dir == BACKWARD)
- --lnum;
- /*
- * simple case: insert into current line
- */
- if (y_type == MCHAR && y_size == 1)
- {
- totlen = count * yanklen;
- if (totlen)
- {
- oldp = ml_get(lnum);
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)(STRLEN(oldp) + totlen + 1));
- if (newp == NULL)
- goto end; /* alloc() will give error message */
- mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)col);
- ptr = newp + col;
- for (i = 0; i < count; ++i)
- {
- mch_memmove(ptr, y_array[0], (size_t)yanklen);
- ptr += yanklen;
- }
- mch_memmove(ptr, oldp + col, STRLEN(oldp + col) + 1);
- ml_replace(lnum, newp, FALSE);
- /* Put cursor on last putted char. */
- curwin->w_cursor.col += (colnr_T)(totlen - 1);
- }
- curbuf->b_op_end = curwin->w_cursor;
- /* For "CTRL-O p" in Insert mode, put cursor after last char */
- if (totlen && (restart_edit != 0 || (flags & PUT_CURSEND)))
- ++curwin->w_cursor.col;
- changed_bytes(lnum, col);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Insert at least one one. When y_type is MCHAR, break the first
- * line in two.
- */
- for (cnt = 1; cnt <= count; ++cnt)
- {
- i = 0;
- if (y_type == MCHAR)
- {
- /*
- * Split the current line in two at the insert position.
- * First insert y_array[size - 1] in front of second line.
- * Then append y_array[0] to first line.
- */
- ptr = ml_get(lnum) + col;
- totlen = (int)STRLEN(y_array[y_size - 1]);
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)(STRLEN(ptr) + totlen + 1));
- if (newp == NULL)
- goto error;
- STRCPY(newp, y_array[y_size - 1]);
- STRCAT(newp, ptr);
- /* insert second line */
- ml_append(lnum, newp, (colnr_T)0, FALSE);
- vim_free(newp);
- oldp = ml_get(lnum);
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)(col + yanklen + 1));
- if (newp == NULL)
- goto error;
- /* copy first part of line */
- mch_memmove(newp, oldp, (size_t)col);
- /* append to first line */
- mch_memmove(newp + col, y_array[0], (size_t)(yanklen + 1));
- ml_replace(lnum, newp, FALSE);
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
- i = 1;
- }
- while (i < y_size)
- {
- if ((y_type != MCHAR || i < y_size - 1)
- && ml_append(lnum, y_array[i], (colnr_T)0, FALSE)
- == FAIL)
- goto error;
- lnum++;
- i++;
- ++nr_lines;
- if (flags & PUT_FIXINDENT)
- {
- old_pos = curwin->w_cursor;
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
- ptr = ml_get(lnum);
- if (cnt == count && i == y_size - 1)
- lendiff = (int)STRLEN(ptr);
- #if defined(FEAT_SMARTINDENT) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT)
- if (*ptr == '#' && preprocs_left())
- indent = 0; /* Leave # lines at start */
- else
- #endif
- if (*ptr == NUL)
- indent = 0; /* Ignore empty lines */
- else if (first_indent)
- {
- indent_diff = orig_indent - get_indent();
- indent = orig_indent;
- first_indent = FALSE;
- }
- else if ((indent = get_indent() + indent_diff) < 0)
- indent = 0;
- (void)set_indent(indent, 0);
- curwin->w_cursor = old_pos;
- /* remember how many chars were removed */
- if (cnt == count && i == y_size - 1)
- lendiff -= (int)STRLEN(ml_get(lnum));
- }
- }
- }
- error:
- /* Adjust marks. */
- if (y_type == MLINE)
- {
- curbuf->b_op_start.col = 0;
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- {
- /* a "p" inside a closed fold is like a "p" in the last
- * line of the fold */
- (void)hasFolding(curbuf->b_op_start.lnum, NULL,
- &curbuf->b_op_start.lnum);
- #endif
- curbuf->b_op_start.lnum++;
- }
- }
- mark_adjust(curbuf->b_op_start.lnum + (y_type == MCHAR),
- (linenr_T)MAXLNUM, nr_lines, 0L);
- /* note changed text for displaying and folding */
- if (y_type == MCHAR)
- changed_lines(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, col,
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1, nr_lines);
- else
- changed_lines(curbuf->b_op_start.lnum, 0,
- curbuf->b_op_start.lnum, nr_lines);
- /* put '] mark at last inserted character */
- curbuf->b_op_end.lnum = lnum;
- /* correct length for change in indent */
- col = (colnr_T)STRLEN(y_array[y_size - 1]) - lendiff;
- if (col > 1)
- curbuf->b_op_end.col = col - 1;
- else
- curbuf->b_op_end.col = 0;
- if (flags & PUT_CURSEND)
- {
- /* put cursor after inserted text */
- if (y_type == MLINE)
- {
- if (lnum >= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- else
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum + 1;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = lnum;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = col;
- }
- }
- else if (y_type == MLINE)
- {
- /* put cursor onfirst non-blank in first inserted line */
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
- if (dir == FORWARD)
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- beginline(BL_WHITE | BL_FIX);
- }
- else /* put cursor on first inserted character */
- curwin->w_cursor = new_cursor;
- }
- }
- msgmore(nr_lines);
- curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
- end:
- if (allocated)
- {
- vim_free(insert_string);
- if (regname == '=')
- vim_free(y_array);
- }
- if ((flags & PUT_CURSEND)
- && gchar_cursor() == NUL
- && curwin->w_cursor.col
- && !(restart_edit || (State & INSERT)))
- --curwin->w_cursor.col;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_SMARTINDENT) || defined(FEAT_CINDENT) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Return TRUE if lines starting with '#' should be left aligned.
- */
- int
- preprocs_left()
- {
- return
- # ifdef FEAT_CINDENT
- (curbuf->b_p_si && !curbuf->b_p_cin) ||
- # else
- curbuf->b_p_si
- # endif
- # endif
- # ifdef FEAT_CINDENT
- (curbuf->b_p_cin && in_cinkeys('#', ' ', TRUE))
- # endif
- ;
- }
- #endif
- /* Return the character name of the register with the given number */
- int
- get_register_name(num)
- int num;
- {
- if (num == -1)
- return '"';
- else if (num < 10)
- return num + '0';
- else if (num == DELETION_REGISTER)
- return '-';
- else if (num == STAR_REGISTER)
- return '*';
- else if (num == PLUS_REGISTER)
- return '+';
- #endif
- else
- {
- #ifdef EBCDIC
- int i;
- /* EBCDIC is really braindead ... */
- i = 'a' + (num - 10);
- if (i > 'i')
- i += 7;
- if (i > 'r')
- i += 8;
- return i;
- #else
- return num + 'a' - 10;
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*
- * ":dis" and ":registers": Display the contents of the yank registers.
- */
- void
- ex_display(eap)
- exarg_T *eap;
- {
- int i, n;
- long j;
- char_u *p;
- struct yankreg *yb;
- char_u name;
- int attr;
- char_u *arg = eap->arg;
- if (arg != NULL && *arg == NUL)
- arg = NULL;
- attr = hl_attr(HLF_8);
- /* Highlight title */
- MSG_PUTS_TITLE(_("\n--- Registers ---"));
- for (i = -1; i < NUM_REGISTERS; ++i)
- {
- if (i == -1)
- {
- if (y_previous != NULL)
- yb = y_previous;
- else
- yb = &(y_regs[0]);
- }
- else
- yb = &(y_regs[i]);
- name = get_register_name(i);
- if (yb->y_array != NULL
- && (arg == NULL || vim_strchr(arg, name) != NULL))
- {
- msg_putchar('\n');
- msg_putchar('"');
- msg_putchar(name);
- MSG_PUTS(" ");
- n = (int)Columns - 6;
- for (j = 0; j < yb->y_size && n > 1; ++j)
- {
- if (j)
- {
- MSG_PUTS_ATTR("^J", attr);
- n -= 2;
- }
- for (p = yb->y_array[j]; *p && (n -= ptr2cells(p)) >= 0; ++p)
- {
- msg_outtrans_len(p, 1);
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- p += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(p) - 1;
- #endif
- }
- }
- if (n > 1 && yb->y_type == MLINE)
- MSG_PUTS_ATTR("^J", attr);
- out_flush(); /* show one line at a time */
- }
- }
- /*
- * display last inserted text
- */
- if ((p = get_last_insert()) != NULL
- && (arg == NULL || vim_strchr(arg, '.') != NULL))
- {
- MSG_PUTS("\n\". ");
- dis_msg(p, TRUE);
- }
- /*
- * display last command line
- */
- if (last_cmdline != NULL && (arg == NULL || vim_strchr(arg, ':') != NULL))
- {
- MSG_PUTS("\n\": ");
- dis_msg(last_cmdline, FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * display current file name
- */
- if (curbuf->b_fname != NULL
- && (arg == NULL || vim_strchr(arg, '%') != NULL))
- {
- MSG_PUTS("\n\"% ");
- dis_msg(curbuf->b_fname, FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * display alternate file name
- */
- if (arg == NULL || vim_strchr(arg, '%') != NULL)
- {
- char_u *fname;
- linenr_T dummy;
- if (buflist_name_nr(0, &fname, &dummy) != FAIL)
- {
- MSG_PUTS("\n\"# ");
- dis_msg(fname, FALSE);
- }
- }
- /*
- * display last search pattern
- */
- if (last_search_pat() != NULL
- && (arg == NULL || vim_strchr(arg, '/') != NULL))
- {
- MSG_PUTS("\n\"/ ");
- dis_msg(last_search_pat(), FALSE);
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- /*
- * display last used expression
- */
- if (expr_line != NULL && (arg == NULL || vim_strchr(arg, '=') != NULL))
- {
- MSG_PUTS("\n\"= ");
- dis_msg(expr_line, FALSE);
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * display a string for do_dis()
- * truncate at end of screen line
- */
- void
- dis_msg(p, skip_esc)
- char_u *p;
- int skip_esc; /* if TRUE, ignore trailing ESC */
- {
- int n;
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- int l;
- #endif
- n = (int)Columns - 6;
- while (*p != NUL
- && !(*p == ESC && skip_esc && *(p + 1) == NUL)
- && (n -= ptr2cells(p)) >= 0)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte && (l = (*mb_ptr2len_check)(p)) > 1)
- {
- msg_outtrans_len(p, l);
- p += l;
- }
- else
- #endif
- msg_outtrans_len(p++, 1);
- }
- }
- /*
- * join 'count' lines (minimal 2), including u_save()
- */
- void
- do_do_join(count, insert_space)
- long count;
- int insert_space;
- {
- if (u_save((linenr_T)(curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1),
- (linenr_T)(curwin->w_cursor.lnum + count)) == FAIL)
- return;
- while (--count > 0)
- {
- line_breakcheck();
- if (got_int || do_join(insert_space) == FAIL)
- {
- beep_flush();
- break;
- }
- }
- #if 0
- /*
- * Need to update the screen if the line where the cursor is became too
- * long to fit on the screen.
- */
- update_topline_redraw();
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Join two lines at the cursor position.
- * "redraw" is TRUE when the screen should be updated.
- * Caller must have setup for undo.
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK ohterwise
- */
- int
- do_join(insert_space)
- int insert_space;
- {
- char_u *curr;
- char_u *next;
- char_u *newp;
- int endcurr1, endcurr2;
- int currsize; /* size of the current line */
- int nextsize; /* size of the next line */
- int spaces; /* number of spaces to insert */
- linenr_T t;
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum == curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- return FAIL; /* can't join on last line */
- curr = ml_get_curline();
- currsize = (int)STRLEN(curr);
- endcurr1 = endcurr2 = NUL;
- if (currsize > 0)
- {
- endcurr1 = *(curr + currsize - 1);
- if (currsize > 1)
- endcurr2 = *(curr + currsize - 2);
- }
- next = ml_get((linenr_T)(curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1));
- spaces = 0;
- if (insert_space)
- {
- next = skipwhite(next);
- if (*next != ')' && currsize != 0 && endcurr1 != TAB)
- {
- /* don't add a space if the line is inding in a space */
- if (endcurr1 == ' ')
- endcurr1 = endcurr2;
- else
- ++spaces;
- /* extra space when 'joinspaces' set and line ends in '.' */
- if ( p_js
- && (endcurr1 == '.'
- || (vim_strchr(p_cpo, CPO_JOINSP) == NULL
- && (endcurr1 == '?' || endcurr1 == '!'))))
- ++spaces;
- }
- }
- nextsize = (int)STRLEN(next);
- newp = alloc_check((unsigned)(currsize + nextsize + spaces + 1));
- if (newp == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- /*
- * Insert the next line first, because we already have that pointer.
- * Curr has to be obtained again, because getting next will have
- * invalidated it.
- */
- mch_memmove(newp + currsize + spaces, next, (size_t)(nextsize + 1));
- curr = ml_get_curline();
- mch_memmove(newp, curr, (size_t)currsize);
- copy_spaces(newp + currsize, (size_t)spaces);
- ml_replace(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, newp, FALSE);
- /* Only report the change in the first line here, del_lines() will report
- * the deleted line. */
- changed_lines(curwin->w_cursor.lnum, currsize,
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1, 0L);
- /*
- * Delete the following line. To do this we move the cursor there
- * briefly, and then move it back. After del_lines() the cursor may
- * have moved up (last line deleted), so the current lnum is kept in t.
- */
- t = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- del_lines(1L, FALSE);
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum = t;
- /*
- * go to first character of the joined line
- */
- curwin->w_cursor.col = currsize;
- check_cursor_col();
- curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
- #endif
- curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if the two comment leaders given are the same. The cursor is
- * in the first line. White-space is ignored. Note that the whole of
- * 'leader1' must match 'leader2_len' characters from 'leader2' -- webb
- */
- static int
- same_leader(leader1_len, leader1_flags, leader2_len, leader2_flags)
- int leader1_len;
- char_u *leader1_flags;
- int leader2_len;
- char_u *leader2_flags;
- {
- int idx1 = 0, idx2 = 0;
- char_u *p;
- char_u *line1;
- char_u *line2;
- if (leader1_len == 0)
- return (leader2_len == 0);
- /*
- * If first leader has 'f' flag, the lines can be joined only if the
- * second line does not have a leader.
- * If first leader has 'e' flag, the lines can never be joined.
- * If fist leader has 's' flag, the lines can only be joined if there is
- * some text after it and the second line has the 'm' flag.
- */
- if (leader1_flags != NULL)
- {
- for (p = leader1_flags; *p && *p != ':'; ++p)
- {
- if (*p == COM_FIRST)
- return (leader2_len == 0);
- if (*p == COM_END)
- return FALSE;
- if (*p == COM_START)
- {
- if (*(ml_get_curline() + leader1_len) == NUL)
- return FALSE;
- if (leader2_flags == NULL || leader2_len == 0)
- return FALSE;
- for (p = leader2_flags; *p && *p != ':'; ++p)
- if (*p == COM_MIDDLE)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Get current line and next line, compare the leaders.
- * The first line has to be saved, only one line can be locked at a time.
- */
- line1 = vim_strsave(ml_get_curline());
- if (line1 != NULL)
- {
- for (idx1 = 0; vim_iswhite(line1[idx1]); ++idx1)
- ;
- line2 = ml_get(curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1);
- for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < leader2_len; ++idx2)
- {
- if (!vim_iswhite(line2[idx2]))
- {
- if (line1[idx1++] != line2[idx2])
- break;
- }
- else
- while (vim_iswhite(line1[idx1]))
- ++idx1;
- }
- vim_free(line1);
- }
- return (idx2 == leader2_len && idx1 == leader1_len);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * implementation of the format operator 'gq'
- */
- void
- op_format(oap)
- oparg_T *oap;
- {
- long old_line_count = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- int is_not_par; /* current line not part of parag. */
- int next_is_not_par; /* next line not part of paragraph */
- int is_end_par; /* at end of paragraph */
- int prev_is_end_par = FALSE;/* prev. line not part of parag. */
- int next_is_start_par = FALSE;
- int leader_len = 0; /* leader len of current line */
- int next_leader_len; /* leader len of next line */
- char_u *leader_flags = NULL; /* flags for leader of current line */
- char_u *next_leader_flags; /* flags for leader of next line */
- int do_comments; /* format comments */
- #endif
- int advance = TRUE;
- int second_indent = -1;
- int do_second_indent;
- int do_number_indent;
- int first_par_line = TRUE;
- int smd_save;
- long count;
- int need_set_indent = TRUE; /* set indent of next paragraph */
- int force_format = FALSE;
- int max_len;
- if (u_save((linenr_T)(oap->start.lnum - 1),
- (linenr_T)(oap->end.lnum + 1)) == FAIL)
- return;
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- if (oap->is_VIsual)
- /* When there is no change: need to remove the Visual selection */
- redraw_curbuf_later(INVERTED);
- #endif
- /* length of a line to force formatting: 3 * 'tw' */
- max_len = comp_textwidth(TRUE) * 3;
- /* Set '[ mark at the start of the formatted area */
- curbuf->b_op_start = oap->start;
- /* check for 'q', '2' and '1' in 'formatoptions' */
- do_comments = has_format_option(FO_Q_COMS);
- #endif
- do_second_indent = has_format_option(FO_Q_SECOND);
- do_number_indent = has_format_option(FO_Q_NUMBER);
- /*
- * Get info about the previous and current line.
- */
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum > 1)
- is_not_par = fmt_check_par(curwin->w_cursor.lnum - 1
- , &leader_len, &leader_flags, do_comments
- #endif
- );
- else
- is_not_par = TRUE;
- next_is_not_par = fmt_check_par(curwin->w_cursor.lnum
- , &next_leader_len, &next_leader_flags, do_comments
- #endif
- );
- is_end_par = (is_not_par || next_is_not_par);
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum--;
- for (count = oap->line_count; count > 0 && !got_int; --count)
- {
- /*
- * Advance to next paragraph.
- */
- if (advance)
- {
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum++;
- prev_is_end_par = is_end_par;
- is_not_par = next_is_not_par;
- leader_len = next_leader_len;
- leader_flags = next_leader_flags;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * The last line to be formatted.
- */
- if (count == 1)
- {
- next_is_not_par = TRUE;
- next_leader_len = 0;
- next_leader_flags = NULL;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- next_is_not_par = fmt_check_par(curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1
- , &next_leader_len, &next_leader_flags, do_comments
- #endif
- );
- if (do_number_indent)
- next_is_start_par =
- (get_number_indent(curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1) > 0);
- }
- advance = TRUE;
- is_end_par = (is_not_par || next_is_not_par || next_is_start_par);
- /*
- * Skip lines that are not in a paragraph.
- */
- if (!is_not_par)
- {
- /*
- * For the first line of a paragraph, check indent of second line.
- * Don't do this for comments and empty lines.
- */
- if (first_par_line
- && (do_second_indent || do_number_indent)
- && prev_is_end_par
- && curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count
- && leader_len == 0
- && next_leader_len == 0
- #endif
- )
- {
- if (do_second_indent
- && !lineempty(curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1))
- second_indent = get_indent_lnum(curwin->w_cursor.lnum + 1);
- else if (do_number_indent)
- second_indent = get_number_indent(curwin->w_cursor.lnum);
- }
- /*
- * When the comment leader changes, it's the end of the paragraph.
- */
- if (curwin->w_cursor.lnum >= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count
- || !same_leader(leader_len, leader_flags,
- next_leader_len, next_leader_flags)
- #endif
- )
- is_end_par = TRUE;
- /*
- * If we have got to the end of a paragraph, or the line is
- * getting long, format it.
- */
- if (is_end_par || force_format)
- {
- if (need_set_indent)
- /* replace indent in first line with minimal number of
- * tabs and spaces, according to current options */
- (void)set_indent(get_indent(), SIN_CHANGED);
- /* put cursor on last non-space */
- coladvance((colnr_T)MAXCOL);
- while (curwin->w_cursor.col && vim_isspace(gchar_cursor()))
- dec_cursor();
- /* do the formatting, without 'showmode' */
- State = INSERT; /* for open_line() */
- smd_save = p_smd;
- p_smd = FALSE;
- insertchar(NUL, INSCHAR_FORMAT
- + (do_comments ? INSCHAR_DO_COM : 0)
- #endif
- , second_indent);
- State = NORMAL;
- p_smd = smd_save;
- second_indent = -1;
- /* at end of par.: need to set indent of next par. */
- need_set_indent = is_end_par;
- if (is_end_par)
- first_par_line = TRUE;
- force_format = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * When still in same paragraph, join the lines together. But
- * first delete the comment leader from the second line.
- */
- if (!is_end_par)
- {
- advance = FALSE;
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum++;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0;
- (void)del_bytes((long)next_leader_len, FALSE);
- #endif
- curwin->w_cursor.lnum--;
- if (do_join(TRUE) == FAIL)
- {
- beep_flush();
- break;
- }
- first_par_line = FALSE;
- /* If the line is getting long, format it next time */
- if (STRLEN(ml_get_curline()) > (size_t)max_len)
- force_format = TRUE;
- else
- force_format = FALSE;
- }
- }
- line_breakcheck();
- }
- /*
- * Leave the cursor at the first non-blank of the last formatted line.
- * If the cursor was moved one line back (e.g. with "Q}") go to the next
- * line, so "." will do the next lines.
- */
- if (oap->end_adjusted && curwin->w_cursor.lnum < curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- beginline(BL_WHITE | BL_FIX);
- msgmore(curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count - old_line_count);
- /* put '] mark on the end of the formatted area */
- curbuf->b_op_end = curwin->w_cursor;
- }
- /*
- * Blank lines, and lines containing only the comment leader, are left
- * untouched by the formatting. The function returns TRUE in this
- * case. It also returns TRUE when a line starts with the end of a comment
- * ('e' in comment flags), so that this line is skipped, and not joined to the
- * previous line. A new paragraph starts after a blank line, or when the
- * comment leader changes -- webb.
- */
- static int
- fmt_check_par(lnum, leader_len, leader_flags, do_comments)
- linenr_T lnum;
- int *leader_len;
- char_u **leader_flags;
- int do_comments;
- {
- char_u *flags = NULL; /* init for GCC */
- char_u *ptr;
- ptr = ml_get(lnum);
- if (do_comments)
- *leader_len = get_leader_len(ptr, leader_flags, FALSE);
- else
- *leader_len = 0;
- if (*leader_len > 0)
- {
- /*
- * Search for 'e' flag in comment leader flags.
- */
- flags = *leader_flags;
- while (*flags && *flags != ':' && *flags != COM_END)
- ++flags;
- }
- return (*skipwhite(ptr + *leader_len) == NUL
- || (*leader_len > 0 && *flags == COM_END)
- || startPS(lnum, NUL, FALSE));
- }
- #else
- static int
- fmt_check_par(lnum)
- linenr_T lnum;
- {
- return (*skipwhite(ml_get(lnum)) == NUL || startPS(lnum, NUL, FALSE));
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * prepare a few things for block mode yank/delete/tilde
- *
- * for delete:
- * - textlen includes the first/last char to be (partly) deleted
- * - start/endspaces is the number of columns that are taken by the
- * first/last deleted char minus the number of columns that have to be
- * deleted. for yank and tilde:
- * - textlen includes the first/last char to be wholly yanked
- * - start/endspaces is the number of columns of the first/last yanked char
- * that are to be yanked.
- */
- static void
- block_prep(oap, bdp, lnum, is_del)
- oparg_T *oap;
- struct block_def *bdp;
- linenr_T lnum;
- int is_del;
- {
- int incr = 0;
- char_u *pend;
- char_u *pstart;
- char_u *line;
- char_u *prev_pstart;
- char_u *prev_pend;
- bdp->startspaces = 0;
- bdp->endspaces = 0;
- bdp->textlen = 0;
- bdp->start_vcol = 0;
- bdp->end_vcol = 0;
- bdp->is_short = FALSE;
- bdp->is_oneChar = FALSE;
- bdp->pre_whitesp = 0;
- bdp->pre_whitesp_c = 0;
- bdp->end_char_vcols = 0;
- #endif
- bdp->start_char_vcols = 0;
- line = ml_get(lnum);
- pstart = line;
- prev_pstart = line;
- while (bdp->start_vcol < oap->start_vcol && *pstart)
- {
- /* Count a tab for what it's worth (if list mode not on) */
- incr = lbr_chartabsize(pstart, (colnr_T)bdp->start_vcol);
- bdp->start_vcol += incr;
- if (vim_iswhite(*pstart))
- {
- bdp->pre_whitesp += incr;
- bdp->pre_whitesp_c++;
- }
- else
- {
- bdp->pre_whitesp = 0;
- bdp->pre_whitesp_c = 0;
- }
- #endif
- prev_pstart = pstart;
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- pstart += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(pstart);
- else
- #endif
- ++pstart;
- }
- bdp->start_char_vcols = incr;
- if (bdp->start_vcol < oap->start_vcol) /* line too short */
- {
- bdp->end_vcol = bdp->start_vcol;
- bdp->is_short = TRUE;
- #endif
- if (!is_del || oap->op_type == OP_APPEND)
- bdp->endspaces = oap->end_vcol - oap->start_vcol + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* notice: this converts partly selected Multibyte characters to
- * spaces, too. */
- bdp->startspaces = bdp->start_vcol - oap->start_vcol;
- if (is_del && bdp->startspaces)
- bdp->startspaces = bdp->start_char_vcols - bdp->startspaces;
- pend = pstart;
- bdp->end_vcol = bdp->start_vcol;
- if (bdp->end_vcol > oap->end_vcol) /* it's all in one character */
- {
- bdp->is_oneChar = TRUE;
- #endif
- if (oap->op_type == OP_INSERT)
- bdp->endspaces = bdp->start_char_vcols - bdp->startspaces;
- else if (oap->op_type == OP_APPEND)
- {
- bdp->startspaces += oap->end_vcol - oap->start_vcol + 1;
- bdp->endspaces = bdp->start_char_vcols - bdp->startspaces;
- }
- else
- {
- bdp->startspaces = oap->end_vcol - oap->start_vcol + 1;
- if (is_del && oap->op_type != OP_LSHIFT)
- {
- /* just putting the sum of those two into
- * bdp->startspaces doesn't work for Visual replace,
- * so we have to split the tab in two */
- bdp->startspaces = bdp->start_char_vcols
- - (bdp->start_vcol - oap->start_vcol);
- bdp->endspaces = bdp->end_vcol - oap->end_vcol - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- prev_pend = pend;
- while (bdp->end_vcol <= oap->end_vcol && *pend != NUL)
- {
- /* Count a tab for what it's worth (if list mode not on) */
- prev_pend = pend;
- incr = lbr_chartabsize_adv(&pend, (colnr_T)bdp->end_vcol);
- bdp->end_vcol += incr;
- }
- if (bdp->end_vcol <= oap->end_vcol
- && (!is_del
- || oap->op_type == OP_APPEND
- || oap->op_type == OP_REPLACE)) /* line too short */
- {
- bdp->is_short = TRUE;
- #endif
- /* Alternative: include spaces to fill up the block.
- * Disadvantage: can lead to trailing spaces when the line is
- * short where the text is put */
- /* if (!is_del || oap->op_type == OP_APPEND) */
- if (oap->op_type == OP_APPEND || virtual_active())
- bdp->endspaces = oap->end_vcol - bdp->end_vcol
- + oap->inclusive;
- else
- bdp->endspaces = 0; /* replace doesn't add characters */
- }
- else if (bdp->end_vcol > oap->end_vcol)
- {
- bdp->endspaces = bdp->end_vcol - oap->end_vcol - 1;
- if (!is_del && bdp->endspaces)
- {
- bdp->endspaces = incr - bdp->endspaces;
- if (pend != pstart)
- pend = prev_pend;
- }
- }
- }
- bdp->end_char_vcols = incr;
- #endif
- if (is_del && bdp->startspaces)
- pstart = prev_pstart;
- bdp->textlen = (int)(pend - pstart);
- }
- bdp->textcol = (colnr_T) (pstart - line);
- bdp->textstart = pstart;
- }
- static void reverse_line __ARGS((char_u *s));
- static void
- reverse_line(s)
- char_u *s;
- {
- int i, j;
- char_u c;
- if ((i = (int)STRLEN(s) - 1) <= 0)
- return;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = i - curwin->w_cursor.col;
- for (j = 0; j < i; j++, i--)
- {
- c = s[i]; s[i] = s[j]; s[j] = c;
- }
- }
- # define RLADDSUBFIX(ptr) if (curwin->w_p_rl) reverse_line(ptr);
- #else
- # define RLADDSUBFIX(ptr)
- #endif
- /*
- * add or subtract 'Prenum1' from a number in a line
- * 'command' is CTRL-A for add, CTRL-X for subtract
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- do_addsub(command, Prenum1)
- int command;
- linenr_T Prenum1;
- {
- int col;
- char_u *buf1;
- char_u buf2[NUMBUFLEN];
- int hex; /* 'X' or 'x': hex; '0': octal */
- static int hexupper = FALSE; /* 0xABC */
- long_u n;
- long_u oldn;
- char_u *ptr;
- int c;
- int length = 0; /* character length of the number */
- int todel;
- int dohex;
- int dooct;
- int doalp;
- int firstdigit;
- int negative;
- int subtract;
- dohex = (vim_strchr(curbuf->b_p_nf, 'x') != NULL); /* "heX" */
- dooct = (vim_strchr(curbuf->b_p_nf, 'o') != NULL); /* "Octal" */
- doalp = (vim_strchr(curbuf->b_p_nf, 'p') != NULL); /* "alPha" */
- ptr = ml_get_curline();
- /*
- * First check if we are on a hexadecimal number, after the "0x".
- */
- col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
- if (dohex)
- while (col > 0 && isxdigit(ptr[col]))
- --col;
- if ( dohex
- && col > 0
- && (ptr[col] == 'X'
- || ptr[col] == 'x')
- && ptr[col - 1] == '0'
- && isxdigit(ptr[col + 1]))
- {
- /*
- * Found hexadecimal number, move to its start.
- */
- --col;
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Search forward and then backward to find the start of number.
- */
- col = curwin->w_cursor.col;
- while (ptr[col] != NUL
- && !isdigit(ptr[col])
- && !(doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(ptr[col])))
- ++col;
- while (col > 0
- && isdigit(ptr[col - 1])
- && !(doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(ptr[col])))
- --col;
- }
- /* truncate to max length of a number */
- if (length >= NUMBUFLEN - 1)
- length = NUMBUFLEN - 2;
- /*
- * If a number was found, and saving for undo works, replace the number.
- */
- firstdigit = ptr[col];
- if ((!isdigit(firstdigit) && !(doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(firstdigit)))
- || u_save_cursor() != OK)
- {
- beep_flush();
- return FAIL;
- }
- /* get ptr again, because u_save() may have changed it */
- ptr = ml_get_curline();
- if (doalp && ASCII_ISALPHA(firstdigit))
- {
- /* decrement or increment alphabetic character */
- if (command == Ctrl_X)
- {
- if (CharOrd(firstdigit) < Prenum1)
- {
- if (isupper(firstdigit))
- firstdigit = 'A';
- else
- firstdigit = 'a';
- }
- else
- #ifdef EBCDIC
- firstdigit = EBCDIC_CHAR_ADD(firstdigit, -Prenum1);
- #else
- firstdigit -= Prenum1;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- if (26 - CharOrd(firstdigit) - 1 < Prenum1)
- {
- if (isupper(firstdigit))
- firstdigit = 'Z';
- else
- firstdigit = 'z';
- }
- else
- #ifdef EBCDIC
- firstdigit = EBCDIC_CHAR_ADD(firstdigit, Prenum1);
- #else
- firstdigit += Prenum1;
- #endif
- }
- curwin->w_cursor.col = col;
- (void)del_char(FALSE);
- ins_char(firstdigit);
- }
- else
- {
- negative = FALSE;
- if (col > 0 && ptr[col - 1] == '-') /* negative number */
- {
- --col;
- negative = TRUE;
- }
- /* get the number value (unsigned) */
- vim_str2nr(ptr + col, &hex, &length, dooct, dohex, NULL, &n);
- /* ignore leading '-' for hex and octal numbers */
- if (hex && negative)
- {
- ++col;
- --length;
- negative = FALSE;
- }
- /* add or subtract */
- subtract = FALSE;
- if (command == Ctrl_X)
- subtract ^= TRUE;
- if (negative)
- subtract ^= TRUE;
- oldn = n;
- if (subtract)
- n -= (unsigned long)Prenum1;
- else
- n += (unsigned long)Prenum1;
- /* handle wraparound for decimal numbers */
- if (!hex)
- {
- if (subtract)
- {
- if (n > oldn)
- {
- n = 1 + (n ^ (unsigned long)-1);
- negative ^= TRUE;
- }
- }
- else /* add */
- {
- if (n < oldn)
- {
- n = (n ^ (unsigned long)-1);
- negative ^= TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (n == 0)
- negative = FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Delete the old number.
- */
- curwin->w_cursor.col = col;
- todel = length;
- c = gchar_cursor();
- /*
- * Don't include the '-' in the length, only the length of the part
- * after it is kept the same.
- */
- if (c == '-')
- --length;
- while (todel-- > 0)
- {
- if (c < 0x100 && isalpha(c))
- {
- if (isupper(c))
- hexupper = TRUE;
- else
- hexupper = FALSE;
- }
- /* del_char() will mark line needing displaying */
- (void)del_char(FALSE);
- c = gchar_cursor();
- }
- /*
- * Prepare the leading characters in buf1[].
- * When there are many leading zeros it could be very long. Allocate
- * a bit too much.
- */
- buf1 = alloc((unsigned)length + NUMBUFLEN);
- if (buf1 == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- ptr = buf1;
- if (negative)
- {
- *ptr++ = '-';
- }
- if (hex)
- {
- *ptr++ = '0';
- --length;
- }
- if (hex == 'x' || hex == 'X')
- {
- *ptr++ = hex;
- --length;
- }
- /*
- * Put the number characters in buf2[].
- */
- if (hex == 0)
- sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lu", n);
- else if (hex == '0')
- sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lo", n);
- else if (hex && hexupper)
- sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lX", n);
- else
- sprintf((char *)buf2, "%lx", n);
- length -= (int)STRLEN(buf2);
- /*
- * adjust number of zeros to the new number of digits, so the
- * total length of the number remains the same
- */
- if (firstdigit == '0')
- while (length-- > 0)
- *ptr++ = '0';
- *ptr = NUL;
- STRCAT(buf1, buf2);
- ins_str(buf1); /* insert the new number */
- vim_free(buf1);
- }
- --curwin->w_cursor.col;
- curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
- ptr = ml_get_buf(curbuf, curwin->w_cursor.lnum, TRUE);
- #endif
- return OK;
- }
- int
- read_viminfo_register(virp, force)
- vir_T *virp;
- int force;
- {
- int eof;
- int do_it = TRUE;
- int size;
- int limit;
- int i;
- int set_prev = FALSE;
- char_u *str;
- char_u **array = NULL;
- /* We only get here (hopefully) if line[0] == '"' */
- str = virp->vir_line + 1;
- if (*str == '"')
- {
- set_prev = TRUE;
- str++;
- }
- if (!ASCII_ISALNUM(*str) && *str != '-')
- {
- if (viminfo_error(_("Illegal register name"), virp->vir_line))
- return TRUE; /* too many errors, pretend end-of-file */
- do_it = FALSE;
- }
- get_yank_register(*str++, FALSE);
- if (!force && y_current->y_array != NULL)
- do_it = FALSE;
- size = 0;
- limit = 100; /* Optimized for registers containing <= 100 lines */
- if (do_it)
- {
- if (set_prev)
- y_previous = y_current;
- vim_free(y_current->y_array);
- array = y_current->y_array =
- (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)(limit * sizeof(char_u *)));
- str = skipwhite(str);
- if (STRNCMP(str, "CHAR", 4) == 0)
- y_current->y_type = MCHAR;
- else if (STRNCMP(str, "BLOCK", 5) == 0)
- y_current->y_type = MBLOCK;
- else
- y_current->y_type = MLINE;
- /* get the block width; if it's missing we get a zero, which is OK */
- str = skipwhite(skiptowhite(str));
- y_current->y_width = getdigits(&str);
- }
- while (!(eof = viminfo_readline(virp))
- && (virp->vir_line[0] == TAB || virp->vir_line[0] == '<'))
- {
- if (do_it)
- {
- if (size >= limit)
- {
- y_current->y_array = (char_u **)
- alloc((unsigned)(limit * 2 * sizeof(char_u *)));
- for (i = 0; i < limit; i++)
- y_current->y_array[i] = array[i];
- vim_free(array);
- limit *= 2;
- array = y_current->y_array;
- }
- str = viminfo_readstring(virp, 1, TRUE);
- if (str != NULL)
- array[size++] = str;
- else
- do_it = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (do_it)
- {
- if (size == 0)
- {
- vim_free(array);
- y_current->y_array = NULL;
- }
- else if (size < limit)
- {
- y_current->y_array =
- (char_u **)alloc((unsigned)(size * sizeof(char_u *)));
- for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
- y_current->y_array[i] = array[i];
- vim_free(array);
- }
- y_current->y_size = size;
- }
- return eof;
- }
- void
- write_viminfo_registers(fp)
- FILE *fp;
- {
- int i, j;
- char_u *type;
- char_u c;
- int num_lines;
- int max_num_lines;
- fprintf(fp, _("\n# Registers:\n"));
- max_num_lines = get_viminfo_parameter('"');
- if (max_num_lines == 0)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < NUM_REGISTERS; i++)
- {
- if (y_regs[i].y_array == NULL)
- continue;
- /* Skip '*'/'+' register, we don't want them back next time */
- continue;
- #endif
- switch (y_regs[i].y_type)
- {
- case MLINE:
- type = (char_u *)"LINE";
- break;
- case MCHAR:
- type = (char_u *)"CHAR";
- break;
- case MBLOCK:
- type = (char_u *)"BLOCK";
- break;
- default:
- sprintf((char *)IObuff, _("Unknown register type %d"),
- y_regs[i].y_type);
- emsg(IObuff);
- type = (char_u *)"LINE";
- break;
- }
- if (y_previous == &y_regs[i])
- fprintf(fp, "\"");
- c = get_register_name(i);
- fprintf(fp, "\"%c\t%s\t%d\n", c, type, y_regs[i].y_width);
- num_lines = y_regs[i].y_size;
- /* If max_num_lines < 0, then we save ALL the lines in the register */
- if (max_num_lines > 0 && num_lines > max_num_lines)
- num_lines = max_num_lines;
- for (j = 0; j < num_lines; j++)
- {
- putc('\t', fp);
- viminfo_writestring(fp, y_regs[i].y_array[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_VIMINFO */
- #if defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- *
- * Text selection stuff that uses the GUI selection register '*'. When using a
- * GUI this may be text from another window, otherwise it is the last text we
- * had highlighted with VIsual mode. With mouse support, clicking the middle
- * button performs the paste, otherwise you will need to do <"*p>. "
- * If not under X, it is synonymous with the clipboard register '+'.
- *
- * X CLIPBOARD ('+')
- *
- * Text selection stuff that uses the GUI clipboard register '+'.
- * Under X, this matches the standard cut/paste buffer CLIPBOARD selection.
- * It will be used for unnamed cut/pasting is 'clipboard' contains "unnamed",
- * otherwise you will need to do <"+p>. "
- * If not under X, it is synonymous with the selection register '*'.
- */
- /*
- * Routine to export any final X selection we had to the environment
- * so that the text is still available after vim has exited. X selections
- * only exist while the owning application exists, so we write to the
- * permanent (while X runs) store CUT_BUFFER0.
- * Dump the CLIPBOARD selection if we own it (it's logically the more
- * 'permanent' of the two), otherwise the PRIMARY one.
- * For now, use a hard-coded sanity limit of 1Mb of data.
- */
- #if defined(FEAT_X11) && defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD)
- void
- x11_export_final_selection()
- {
- Display *dpy;
- char_u *str = NULL;
- long_u len = 0;
- int motion_type = -1;
- # ifdef FEAT_GUI
- if (gui.in_use)
- dpy = gui.dpy;
- else
- # endif
- dpy = xterm_dpy;
- # else
- return;
- # endif
- /* Get selection to export */
- if (clip_plus.owned)
- motion_type = clip_convert_selection(&str, &len, &clip_plus);
- else if (clip_star.owned)
- motion_type = clip_convert_selection(&str, &len, &clip_star);
- /* Check it's OK */
- if (dpy != NULL && str != NULL && motion_type >= 0
- && len < 1024*1024 && len > 0)
- {
- XStoreBuffer(dpy, (char *)str, (int)len, 0);
- XFlush(dpy);
- }
- vim_free(str);
- }
- #endif
- void
- clip_free_selection(cbd)
- VimClipboard *cbd;
- {
- struct yankreg *y_ptr = y_current;
- if (cbd == &clip_plus)
- y_current = &y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER];
- else
- y_current = &y_regs[STAR_REGISTER];
- free_yank_all();
- y_current->y_size = 0;
- y_current = y_ptr;
- }
- /*
- * Get the selected text and put it in the gui selection register '*' or '+'.
- */
- void
- clip_get_selection(cbd)
- VimClipboard *cbd;
- {
- struct yankreg *old_y_previous, *old_y_current;
- pos_T old_cursor;
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- pos_T old_visual;
- int old_visual_mode;
- #endif
- colnr_T old_curswant;
- int old_set_curswant;
- oparg_T oa;
- cmdarg_T ca;
- if (cbd->owned)
- {
- if ((cbd == &clip_plus && y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER].y_array != NULL)
- || (cbd == &clip_star && y_regs[STAR_REGISTER].y_array != NULL))
- return;
- /* Get the text between clip_star.start & clip_star.end */
- old_y_previous = y_previous;
- old_y_current = y_current;
- old_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
- old_curswant = curwin->w_curswant;
- old_set_curswant = curwin->w_set_curswant;
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- old_visual = VIsual;
- old_visual_mode = VIsual_mode;
- #endif
- clear_oparg(&oa);
- oa.regname = (cbd == &clip_plus ? '+' : '*');
- oa.op_type = OP_YANK;
- vim_memset(&ca, 0, sizeof(ca));
- ca.oap = &oa;
- ca.cmdchar = 'y';
- ca.count1 = 1;
- ca.retval = CA_NO_ADJ_OP_END;
- do_pending_operator(&ca, 0, TRUE);
- y_previous = old_y_previous;
- y_current = old_y_current;
- curwin->w_cursor = old_cursor;
- curwin->w_curswant = old_curswant;
- curwin->w_set_curswant = old_set_curswant;
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- VIsual = old_visual;
- VIsual_mode = old_visual_mode;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- clip_free_selection(cbd);
- /* Try to get selected text from another window */
- clip_gen_request_selection(cbd);
- }
- }
- /* Convert from the GUI selection string into the '*'/'+' register */
- void
- clip_yank_selection(type, str, len, cbd)
- int type;
- char_u *str;
- long len;
- VimClipboard *cbd;
- {
- struct yankreg *y_ptr;
- if (cbd == &clip_plus)
- y_ptr = &y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER];
- else
- y_ptr = &y_regs[STAR_REGISTER];
- clip_free_selection(cbd);
- str_to_reg(y_ptr, type, str, len);
- }
- /*
- * Convert the '*'/'*' register into a GUI selection string returned in *str
- * with length *len.
- * Returns the motion type, or -1 for failure.
- */
- int
- clip_convert_selection(str, len, cbd)
- char_u **str;
- long_u *len;
- VimClipboard *cbd;
- {
- char_u *p;
- int lnum;
- int i, j;
- int_u eolsize;
- struct yankreg *y_ptr;
- if (cbd == &clip_plus)
- y_ptr = &y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER];
- else
- y_ptr = &y_regs[STAR_REGISTER];
- #ifdef USE_CRNL
- eolsize = 2;
- #else
- eolsize = 1;
- #endif
- *str = NULL;
- *len = 0;
- if (y_ptr->y_array == NULL)
- return -1;
- for (i = 0; i < y_ptr->y_size; i++)
- *len += (long_u)STRLEN(y_ptr->y_array[i]) + eolsize;
- /*
- * Don't want newline character at end of last line if we're in MCHAR mode.
- */
- if (y_ptr->y_type == MCHAR && *len > eolsize)
- *len -= eolsize;
- p = *str = lalloc(*len, TRUE);
- if (p == NULL)
- return -1;
- lnum = 0;
- for (i = 0, j = 0; i < (int)*len; i++, j++)
- {
- if (y_ptr->y_array[lnum][j] == '\n')
- p[i] = NUL;
- else if (y_ptr->y_array[lnum][j] == NUL)
- {
- #ifdef USE_CRNL
- p[i++] = '\r';
- #endif
- #ifdef USE_CR
- p[i] = '\r';
- #else
- p[i] = '\n';
- #endif
- lnum++;
- j = -1;
- }
- else
- p[i] = y_ptr->y_array[lnum][j];
- }
- return y_ptr->y_type;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_CLIPBOARD || PROTO */
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- /*
- * Return the contents of a register as a single allocated string.
- * Used for "@r" in expressions.
- * Returns NULL for error.
- */
- char_u *
- get_reg_contents(regname)
- int regname;
- {
- long i;
- char_u *retval;
- int allocated;
- long len;
- /* Don't allow using an expression register inside an expression */
- if (regname == '=')
- return NULL;
- if (regname == '@') /* "@@" is used for unnamed register */
- regname = '"';
- /* check for valid regname */
- if (regname != NUL && !valid_yank_reg(regname, FALSE))
- return NULL;
- if (regname == '*')
- {
- if (!clip_star.available)
- regname = 0;
- else
- clip_get_selection(&clip_star); /* may fill * register */
- }
- else if (regname == '+')
- {
- if (!clip_plus.available)
- regname = 0;
- else
- clip_get_selection(&clip_plus); /* may fill + register */
- }
- #endif
- if (get_spec_reg(regname, &retval, &allocated, FALSE))
- {
- if (retval == NULL)
- return NULL;
- if (!allocated)
- retval = vim_strsave(retval);
- return retval;
- }
- get_yank_register(regname, FALSE);
- if (y_current->y_array == NULL)
- return NULL;
- /*
- * Compute length of resulting string.
- */
- len = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < y_current->y_size; ++i)
- {
- len += (long)STRLEN(y_current->y_array[i]);
- /*
- * Insert a newline between lines and after last line if
- * y_type is MLINE.
- */
- if (y_current->y_type == MLINE || i < y_current->y_size - 1)
- ++len;
- }
- retval = lalloc(len + 1, TRUE);
- /*
- * Copy the lines of the yank register into the string.
- */
- if (retval != NULL)
- {
- len = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < y_current->y_size; ++i)
- {
- STRCPY(retval + len, y_current->y_array[i]);
- len += (long)STRLEN(retval + len);
- /*
- * Insert a NL between lines and after the last line if y_type is
- * MLINE.
- */
- if (y_current->y_type == MLINE || i < y_current->y_size - 1)
- retval[len++] = '\n';
- }
- retval[len] = NUL;
- }
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- * Store string "str" in register "name".
- * If "must_append" is TRUE, always append to the register. Otherwise append
- * if "name" is an uppercase letter.
- * Careful: 'str' is modified, you may have to use a copy!
- * If "str" ends in '\n' or '\r', use linewise, otherwise use characterwise.
- */
- void
- write_reg_contents(name, str, must_append)
- int name;
- char_u *str;
- int must_append;
- {
- struct yankreg *old_y_previous, *old_y_current;
- long len;
- /* Special case: '/' search pattern */
- if (name == '/')
- {
- set_last_search_pat(str, RE_SEARCH, TRUE, TRUE);
- return;
- }
- if (!valid_yank_reg(name, TRUE)) /* check for valid reg name */
- {
- EMSG2(_("E354: Invalid register name: '%s'"), transchar(name));
- return;
- }
- if (name == '_') /* black hole: nothing to do */
- return;
- /* Don't want to change the current (unnamed) register */
- old_y_previous = y_previous;
- old_y_current = y_current;
- get_yank_register(name, TRUE);
- if (!y_append && !must_append)
- free_yank_all();
- len = (long)STRLEN(str);
- str_to_reg(y_current,
- (len > 0 && (str[len - 1] == '\n' || str[len -1] == '\r'))
- ? MLINE : MCHAR, str, len);
- /*
- * If we are writing to the selection register, send result to selection.
- */
- if (y_current == &(y_regs[STAR_REGISTER]) && clip_star.available)
- {
- clip_own_selection(&clip_star);
- clip_gen_set_selection(&clip_star);
- }
- /*
- * If we are writing to the clipboard register, send result to clipboard.
- */
- else if (y_current == &(y_regs[PLUS_REGISTER]) && clip_plus.available)
- {
- clip_own_selection(&clip_plus);
- clip_gen_set_selection(&clip_plus);
- }
- #endif
- /* ':let @" = "val"' should change the meaning of the "" register */
- if (name != '"')
- y_previous = old_y_previous;
- y_current = old_y_current;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_EVAL */
- #if defined(FEAT_CLIPBOARD) || defined(FEAT_EVAL)
- /*
- * Put a string into a register. When the register is not empty, the string
- * is appended.
- */
- static void
- str_to_reg(y_ptr, type, str, len)
- struct yankreg *y_ptr; /* pointer to yank register */
- int type; /* MCHAR or MLINE */
- char_u *str; /* string to put in register */
- long len; /* lenght of string */
- {
- int lnum;
- long start;
- long i;
- int extra;
- int newlines; /* number of lines added */
- int extraline = 0; /* extra line at the end */
- int append = FALSE; /* append to last line in register */
- char_u *s;
- char_u **pp;
- if (y_ptr->y_array == NULL) /* NULL means emtpy register */
- y_ptr->y_size = 0;
- /*
- * Count the number of lines within the string
- */
- newlines = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- if (str[i] == '\n')
- ++newlines;
- if (type == MCHAR || len == 0 || str[len - 1] != '\n')
- {
- extraline = 1;
- ++newlines; /* count extra newline at the end */
- }
- if (y_ptr->y_size > 0 && y_ptr->y_type == MCHAR)
- {
- append = TRUE;
- --newlines; /* uncount newline when appending first line */
- }
- /*
- * Allocate an array to hold the pointers to the new register lines.
- * If the register was not empty, move the existing lines to the new array.
- */
- pp = (char_u **)lalloc_clear((y_ptr->y_size + newlines)
- * sizeof(char_u *), TRUE);
- if (pp == NULL) /* out of memory */
- return;
- for (lnum = 0; lnum < y_ptr->y_size; ++lnum)
- pp[lnum] = y_ptr->y_array[lnum];
- vim_free(y_ptr->y_array);
- y_ptr->y_array = pp;
- /*
- * Find the end of each line and save it into the array.
- */
- for (start = 0; start < len + extraline; start += i + 1)
- {
- for (i = start; i < len; ++i) /* find the end of the line */
- if (str[i] == '\n')
- break;
- i -= start; /* i is now length of line */
- if (append)
- {
- --lnum;
- extra = (int)STRLEN(y_ptr->y_array[lnum]);
- }
- else
- extra = 0;
- s = alloc((unsigned)(i + extra + 1));
- if (s == NULL)
- break;
- if (extra)
- {
- mch_memmove(s, y_ptr->y_array[lnum], (size_t)extra);
- vim_free(y_ptr->y_array[lnum]);
- }
- if (i)
- mch_memmove(s + extra, str + start, (size_t)i);
- extra += i;
- s[extra] = NUL;
- y_ptr->y_array[lnum++] = s;
- while (--extra >= 0)
- {
- if (*s == NUL)
- *s = '\n'; /* replace NUL with newline */
- ++s;
- }
- append = FALSE; /* only first line is appended */
- }
- y_ptr->y_type = type;
- y_ptr->y_size = lnum;
- y_ptr->y_width = 0;
- }
- void
- clear_oparg(oap)
- oparg_T *oap;
- {
- vim_memset(oap, 0, sizeof(oparg_T));
- }
- static long line_count_info __ARGS((char_u *line, long *wc, long limit, int eol_size));
- /*
- * Count the number of characters and "words" in a line.
- *
- * "Words" are counted by looking for boundaries between non-space and
- * space characters. (it seems to produce results that match 'wc'.)
- *
- * Return value is character count; word count for the line is ADDED
- * to "*wc".
- *
- * The function will only examine the first "limit" characters in the
- * line, stopping if it encounters an end-of-line (NUL byte). In that
- * case, eol_size will be added to the character count to account for
- * the size of the EOL character.
- */
- static long
- line_count_info(line, wc, limit, eol_size)
- char_u *line;
- long *wc;
- long limit;
- int eol_size;
- {
- long i, words = 0;
- int is_word = 0;
- for (i = 0; line[i] && i < limit; i++)
- {
- if (is_word)
- {
- if (vim_isspace(line[i]))
- {
- words++;
- is_word = 0;
- }
- }
- else if (!vim_isspace(line[i]))
- is_word = 1;
- }
- if (is_word)
- words++;
- *wc += words;
- /* Add eol_size if the end of line was reached before hitting limit. */
- if (!line[i] && i < limit)
- i += eol_size;
- return i;
- }
- /*
- * Give some info about the position of the cursor (for "g CTRL-G").
- * In Visual mode, give some info about the selected region. (In this case,
- * the *_count_cursor variables store running totals for the selection.)
- */
- void
- cursor_pos_info()
- {
- char_u *p;
- char_u buf1[20];
- char_u buf2[20];
- linenr_T lnum;
- long char_count = 0;
- long char_count_cursor = 0;
- int eol_size;
- long last_check = 100000L;
- long word_count = 0;
- long word_count_cursor = 0;
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- long line_count_selected = 0;
- pos_T min_pos, max_pos;
- oparg_T oparg;
- struct block_def bd;
- #endif
- /*
- * Compute the length of the file in characters.
- */
- if (curbuf->b_ml.ml_flags & ML_EMPTY)
- {
- MSG(_(no_lines_msg));
- }
- else
- {
- if (get_fileformat(curbuf) == EOL_DOS)
- eol_size = 2;
- else
- eol_size = 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- if (VIsual_active)
- {
- if (lt(VIsual, curwin->w_cursor))
- {
- min_pos = VIsual;
- max_pos = curwin->w_cursor;
- }
- else
- {
- min_pos = curwin->w_cursor;
- max_pos = VIsual;
- }
- if (VIsual_mode == Ctrl_V)
- {
- oparg.is_VIsual = 1;
- oparg.block_mode = 1;
- oparg.op_type = OP_NOP;
- getvcols(curwin, &min_pos, &max_pos,
- &oparg.start_vcol, &oparg.end_vcol);
- /* Swap the start, end vcol if needed */
- if (oparg.end_vcol < oparg.start_vcol)
- {
- oparg.end_vcol += oparg.start_vcol;
- oparg.start_vcol = oparg.end_vcol - oparg.start_vcol;
- oparg.end_vcol -= oparg.start_vcol;
- }
- }
- line_count_selected = max_pos.lnum - min_pos.lnum + 1;
- }
- #endif
- for (lnum = 1; lnum <= curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count; ++lnum)
- {
- /* Check for a CTRL-C every 100000 characters. */
- if (char_count > last_check)
- {
- ui_breakcheck();
- if (got_int)
- return;
- last_check = char_count + 100000L;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- /* Do extra processing for VIsual mode. */
- if (VIsual_active
- && lnum >= min_pos.lnum && lnum <= max_pos.lnum)
- {
- switch (VIsual_mode)
- {
- case Ctrl_V:
- block_prep(&oparg, &bd, lnum, 0);
- char_count_cursor += line_count_info(bd.textstart,
- &word_count_cursor, (long)bd.textlen, eol_size);
- break;
- case 'V':
- char_count_cursor += line_count_info(ml_get(lnum),
- &word_count_cursor, (long)MAXCOL, eol_size);
- break;
- case 'v':
- {
- colnr_T start_col = (lnum == min_pos.lnum)
- ? min_pos.col : 0;
- colnr_T end_col = (lnum == max_pos.lnum)
- ? max_pos.col - start_col + 1 : MAXCOL;
- char_count_cursor +=
- line_count_info(ml_get(lnum) + start_col,
- &word_count_cursor, (long)end_col, eol_size);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- /* In non-visual mode, check for the line the cursor is on */
- if (lnum == curwin->w_cursor.lnum)
- {
- word_count_cursor += word_count;
- char_count_cursor = char_count +
- line_count_info(ml_get(lnum), &word_count_cursor,
- (long)(curwin->w_cursor.col + 1), eol_size);
- }
- }
- /* Add to the running totals */
- char_count += line_count_info(ml_get(lnum), &word_count,
- (long)MAXCOL, eol_size);
- }
- /* Correction for when last line doesn't have an EOL. */
- if (!curbuf->b_p_eol && curbuf->b_p_bin)
- char_count -= eol_size;
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- if (VIsual_active)
- {
- if (VIsual_mode == Ctrl_V)
- {
- getvcols(curwin, &min_pos, &max_pos, &min_pos.col,
- &max_pos.col);
- sprintf((char *)buf1, _("%ld Cols; "),
- (long)(oparg.end_vcol - oparg.start_vcol + 1));
- }
- else
- buf1[0] = NUL;
- sprintf((char *)IObuff,
- _("Selected %s%ld of %ld Lines; %ld of %ld Words; %ld of %ld Bytes"),
- buf1, line_count_selected,
- (long)curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count,
- word_count_cursor, word_count,
- char_count_cursor, char_count);
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- p = ml_get_curline();
- validate_virtcol();
- col_print(buf1, (int)curwin->w_cursor.col + 1,
- (int)curwin->w_virtcol + 1);
- col_print(buf2, (int)STRLEN(p), linetabsize(p));
- sprintf((char *)IObuff,
- _("Col %s of %s; Line %ld of %ld; Word %ld of %ld; Byte %ld of %ld"),
- (char *)buf1, (char *)buf2,
- (long)curwin->w_cursor.lnum,
- (long)curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count,
- word_count_cursor, word_count,
- char_count_cursor, char_count);
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- char_count = bomb_size();
- if (char_count > 0)
- sprintf((char *)IObuff + STRLEN(IObuff), _("(+%ld for BOM)"),
- char_count);
- #endif
- /* Don't shorten this message, the user asked for it. */
- p = p_shm;
- p_shm = (char_u *)"";
- msg(IObuff);
- p_shm = p;
- }
- }